Photo: Sarah Jane Owen
British windsurfer, Steve Thorpe, was recently clocked at 50.48 knots, (58 mph or 93.3 km/hr,) sailing his windsurfer in 40 to 80 knots winds, in West Kirby, England. If the GPS readings are confirmed, he may hold the title of the world’s fastest windsurfer.
Steve Thorp hits 50.48 knots in West Kirby
Over distances of 500 yards, the current record holder for speed under sail is American Robert Douglas on a kite surfer with a speed of 55.65 knots. For a distance of one nautical mile, the hydrofoil trimaran l’Hydroptère holds the record at 50.17 knots.
In case anyone is interested, according to the World Sailing Speed Record Council Web site, the outright record for 500-m in one direction, set by a kiteboard in 2010, is 55.65 kts. This puts Mr. Thorp’s performance in perspective. I am remembering a speed record for more “normal” boats that required the average of times on port and starboard tacks, but apparently that has gone the way of deadeyes and lanyards to set up your standing rigging….come to think of it, most of the speed records set in the last decade have featured NO standing rigging!