Top image from 2009 provided by SSR, Bottom image Port Nicholson - www.shippingtimes.co.uk
We recently posted about a press release by Sub Sea Research (SSR) claiming to have located the wreck of a British cargo ship sunk in June 1942 by the German submarine U87. Sub Sea Research claims that the ship was carrying 70 tons of platinum when she sank off the coast of Cape Cod. SSR says that the ship’s name is the Port Nicholson.
In 2009, Sub Sea Research (SSR) also claimed to have located the wreck of a British cargo ship sunk in June 1942 by the German submarine U87. SSR claimed that the ship was carrying 70 tons of platinum when she sank 40 miles off the coast of Guyana. The two sets of claims sound remarkably similar, except for the geography of the wrecks.
SSR did not identify the ship from 2009 but used the code-name “Blue Baron.” SSR also claimed that the also carried ten tons of gold bullion, one and a half tons of industrial diamonds and 16 million carats of gem quality diamonds, in addition to the platinum.
The SSR 2009 announcement of locating the “Blue Baron” was greeted with definite skepticism. SSR claimed that they had the log-book of the submarine, U87, that sank the “Blue Baron.” Historians pointed out that the U87 was not near Guyana in June of 1942. Furthermore, the Shipping Times posted photos of both the Port Nicholson and the reputed “Blue Baron,” which appeared to be identical ships.
Murky treasure ship find raises doubts
It is unclear whether or not the Port Nicholson ever carried the precious metals that SSR claims to be aboard. The BBC recently quoted Anthony Shusta, an attorney representing the British government, who says that it is unclear if the ship ever carried platinum. “We’re still researching what was on the vessel,” Mr Shusta told the Associated Press news agency. “Our initial research indicated it was mostly machinery and military stores.”
British cast doubt on treasure find
Is the “Blue Baron” really the Port Nicholson? Does the “Blue Baron” exist? And what of the 70 tons of platinum? Carried on one ship? Two cargoes on two ships? Does it exist at all?
We wish SSR good fortune in all their endeavors. Nevertheless, press releases are not platinum.
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Life has learnt me, doe not beleive in anything you does not hold in your hand! the fact is,fantasts is still searching after the gold of Rommel!
its an industryes where interested people invest their monne in pure gready!Fact is also that you can not find something there already is found! wee found the gold of “Rommel” the year of 1963 and i am awaithing to publice a novel abouth it.
I am sure there will come no comments, everyone is afraid of loosing what they in their fantasyes has builded up, by the way i am ready for new adventures, i have teh ship!