Two Gray Whales Caught in Nets in One Week off Southern California

According to the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, fishing nets are the biggest killer of whales and dolphins across the globe. Last week alone, two gray whales migrating off the coast of California were caught in fishing nets. A week from last Saturday, a gray whale was rescued after discovered entangled in netting outside Dana Point Harbor. The whale was cut free after a 24 hour effort. Reports said the whale was towing a sea lion, a leopard shark, two angel sharks as well as various crabs, fish and rays in the net. Last  Wednesday, a second whale, tangled in nets and buoys was sighted between Laguna Beach and Dana Point. By Thursdays volunteers had cut the whale free.

From 2001 through 2010, there have been 78 entanglement reports off California alone. Thirty-one involved humpback whales and 19 involved gray whales. The others were fin whales (four), a minke whale and unidentified species (22).

Second Gray Whale Entangled in Fishing Net Is Freed

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Second Gray Whale Entangled in Fishing Net Near Dana Point

Thanks to Phil Leon for contributing to this post.

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