Pinky, the Albino Dolphin of the Calcasieu

pinkyd1For several years we have followed; virtually, if not literally; the travels of Migaloo, an albino humpback whale that has migrated off Australia’s Queensland’s coast since at least 1991. In August we posted about a new young albino humpback which some are calling “son of Migaloo.”  Migaloo is an aboriginal term meaning “white fellow.”

Now, an albino dolphin, nicknamed “Pinky,” has been attracting attention in Calcasieu Lake, Louisiana. Scientists believe that Pinky is an albino because of her distinctive red eyes and blood vessels, which show through her pale skin.  First spotted in 2007 in the Calcasieu River by charter boat captain Erik Rue, Pinky has been seen mating this year and there is speculation that she may be pregnant. If, so the odds that her offspring will be also be albino are quite slim.

While not being nearly as well known as Migaloo, Pinky does have her own Facebook page.


Pinky, the Albino Dolphin of the Calcasieu — 2 Comments

  1. Umm, so help a color-blind guy out! I see all dolphins as a color close to pink. So what color are dolphins normally and is Pinky white or pink? I couldn’t tell from the picture.