Over 400 pilot whales became stranded after they swam into the shallow waters of Golden Bay, near Farewell Spit, at the northernmost tip of the South Island of New Zealand. An estimated 300 of the whales have died, as a small army of rescuers frantically work to save the rest.
The whale stranding was the largest in the country since 1985, when 450 whales were stranded near Auckland. Worldwide, every year, up to 2,000 cetaceans beach themselves. New Zealand has one of the highest rates of whale strandings. No one knows what causes whale strandings but some theorize that they may be due to navigational mistakes while chasing prey, escaping predators or trying to protect sick members of the group.
At least 300 whales found dead in mass stranding on New Zealand beach
Thanks to David Rye for contributing to this post.