Jessica, Abby, & Dilip
Here is an update on the circumnavigation attempts under way by Jessica Watson, Abby Sunderland and Commander Dilip Donde. The last name may not be as familiar as those of the blonde teenagers. The 42 year old Indian Navy Commander is on the last leg of his quest to be the first Indian to circumnavigate the globe singlehanded. He recently stopped at Cape Town on his way to Mumbai, literally one ocean away from his destination.
Jessica Watson has reached the most southerly point of Africa and is crossing into the Indian Ocean. Abby Sunderland has crossed into the Southern Hemisphere. Should Jessica successfully complete her voyage, she will be the youngest solo non-stop circumnavigator, though she may not hold the title for long, depending on Abby’s progress. Sail World explains the math:
Abby is 154 days younger than Jessica, but started 111 days later, still giving her a 43 day advantage. While Jessica, in an boat considerably smaller and slower, must complete her journey in 212 days to reach home before her 17th birthday on 18th May, which she has stated as an intention, it gives Abby, in a faster more slippery boat, a full 255 days to complete her journey to become the youngest solo non-stop circumnavigator.
Both girls have attracted their share of controversy. Those who applaud their journeys generally point to inspiration, freedom, and the honouring of the abilities of the young. Those who are against their journeys have generally wondered whether they were encouraged too sharply by over-ambitious parents, and whether they should be in school at this age.