Swashbuckle and 70,000 Tons of Metal

It was announced recently that Swashbuckle would be joining the 40 heavy metal bands on the 70,000 Tons of Metal cruise. Swashbuckle, for those who are not aware of the group, is a pirate themed metal band from New Jersey. From their Facebook page, they describe themselves thusly:

Forged upon the seven seas, Swashbuckle hath come to take the metal community by storm. We’ve faced rum-runners of the northern Caribbean to bring you the most brutal in yar face metal upon the Spanish Main. If ye be double crossin’ us, we’ll make ye walk the plank ye scurvy dogs! Yarr! Swab the poop-deck, and set sail for the Pirate Metal experience of your lifetime ye hornswogglers! Cheers!

OK, so they aren’t necessarily my taste in music, but so be it.   And what is the 70,000 Tons of Metal cruise?  Apparently it is a  5 day and 4 night cruise from January 24th through the 28th, 2011, on RCCL’s Majesty of the Seas featuring 40 heavy metal bands and 2,000 or so screaming fans.  This is clearly a win-win situation. If you like this sort of music you will be able to enjoy it at sea without anyone telling you to turn it down.  If on the other hand, you are not fond of the noise, err, music, the ship should be far enough off the shore so that no one is needly bothered by it.   We can only hope that they do not cruise near whale breeding grounds.

For the curious, here is Swashbuckle’s “Cruiseship Terror”:

Swashbuckle – “Cruiseship Terror” Nuclear Blast Records

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