Charlotte Maersk (photo: Scanpix)
A fire in deck containers stowed forward of the house on the 8,000 TEU containership, Charlotte Maersk, is reported to be contained. The fire broke out on Wednesday as the ship was passing through the Straits of Malacca bound for Oman. The ship is currently anchored off the Malaysian coast. All crew are reported to be safe and unharmed.
Fire on Maersk ship under control
A company spokesperson said, however, that they were not certain when the fire, now in its second day, would be put out entirely.
Maersk spokesman Michael Christian Storgaard said the ship’s crew and crews from nearby ships were working to cool containers surrounding the fire in order to prevent it from spreading.
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As a trained stevedore and some 50 plus Summers in the Shipping Industry
as well as being a DGSA, I am constrained to say that the evidence of the Shipper, his load and stow, and documentation, including transit in Port Klang need forensic paperwork chasing, as all the indications show this to be the ongoing Far East Problem of improper “everything” with Dangerous Goods, which thanks to the crew, has not resulted in loss of life or the vessel or a large part of what will now be a GA.
The last time my colleague,Clive saviagr and I were invited to look a particular HYUNDAI event by Solicitors for Insurers, and surprise surprise paperwork seemed to disappear.
Always happy to assist.