Queen Mary 2 and Queen Elizabeth Rendezvous in Sydney

On January 14th we posted about the Royal Rendezvous in New York harbor, the rendezvous of the three Queens of the Cunard Line, the Queen Mary 2,  the Queen Victoria, and the Queen Elizabeth.  Now just over a month later the Queen Mary 2 and Queen Elizabeth entered Sydney harbor together at 6am local time, Tuesday.

Two queens of the sea arrive in Sydney

Thanks to Alaric Bond for passing the article along.


Queen Mary 2 and Queen Elizabeth Rendezvous in Sydney — 2 Comments

  1. Yea, I read this this morning. It said it will only be there for about 1/2 an hour, but there will be fireworks and you’ll pay $12 to park for the privilege.

    Last time I was there was back in 1999 or 2000 and they did have an old Russian Sub docked in front of the ship, don’t know if that is still there or not?

    We still have the USS Cod docked near downtown Cleveland, was on that back in the 80’s: http://www.usscod.org/