ID Integrity Photo: AMSA
Update: The first tug has reached the ID Integrity. As reported by vesseltracker.com: The commercial tug “PT Kotor” rendezvoused with the “ID Integrity” on May 20 at approximately 10:30am AEST. At 11:30am AMSA was advised that the tug had connected a towline to the “ID Integrity” and they were now travelling at slow speed in a south-easterly direction (i.e. way from the Outer Reef) awaiting the arrival of the larger tugs. AMSA’s Emergency Towage Vessel (ETV) “Pacific Responder” was now scheduled to be on scene around 3:00 p.m. Once on scene it will provide assistance as required and remain on station until the third tug, the “PB Leichhardt”, has arrived and has connected a tow line.
High drama on the high seas. The ID Integrity, a 46,000 DWT bulk carrier, had an engine failure on Friday night while about 325km north-east of Cairns, Australia, on a voyage in ballast, from Shanghai to Townsville. The ship drifted toward Shark Reef, but the crew was able to discharge sufficient ballast to decrease the ship’s draft to avoid grounding. A spokesman for the Australian Maritime Safety Authority has now confirmed that the ship has drifted safely over the reef. The ship is now reported to be in open water drifting west towards Outer Reef. Emergency tugs have been dispatched. The first is expected to arrive on Sunday morning local time. Thanks to Phil Leon for passing along the news.