Photo: Maksim Ivanov MarineTraffic.com
Simply trying to keep up with what is going on the battle against piracy is not as easy as it might appear.
For example, Maersk Texas, a US flag cargo ship came under attack by pirates in the Gulf of Oman on Wednesday around noon local time, or at least that is what Maersk says. The European Union’s counter-piracy force said it had reviewed the incident and determined there was “no case of piracy and it’s a false alarm,” according to Timo Lange, a spokesman for the Northwood, England-based EU Navfor. Maersk says that the pirates, attacking in multiple skiffs, were driven off by armed guards aboard the ship. The Iranian Navy, however, says that they drove off the pirates, who fled only after Iranian naval vessels appeared on the scene.
Everyone does agree that no one was hurt aboard the Maersk Texas and that she proceeded on her voyage. We hope that the rest of the voyage proves uneventful. Thanks to Phil Leon for the heads up.
This whole piracy affair has got to the sordid advanced stage that even a reputable company like Maersk cannot tell the truth about an incident. Between insurance rates, politics and waffiling about armed guards one cannot get a proper report when something happens – if it happened. If the Iranians helped then good thank them and move on. Once again NAUTICAL LOG supports extreme prejudice response then the pirates will become to scared to attack any vessel as we have written in several Posts. Its a matter of educating them!! Safe sailing and
Good Watch.