Anak Krakatau
On Saturday, a tsunami in Indonesia’s Sunda Strait killed at least 222 and injured 843. The huge wave hit without warning at night destroying hundreds of homes and buildings, sweeping away cars and uprooting trees. Officials say more than 160 people were killed in Pandeglang – a popular tourist district on Java known for its beaches and national park. The main road into Pandeglang is reported to be badly damaged, making it difficult for rescuers to reach the area. In South Lampung on Sumatra, 48 were reported dead. Deaths were reported in Serang district and Tanggamus, also on Sumatra. Officials fear the death toll could rise further.
The tsunami is thought have been caused by an underwater landslide following a recent eruption of the volcano Anak Krakatau, which has been active since June.
This year has been particularly brutal and tragic in Indoneisa, which is located on the so-called volcanic “Ring of Fire.” In July and August, a series of earthquakes flattened parts of the tourist island of Lombok, and a double earthquake and tsunami killed more than 2,000 people on Sulawesi island in September.
The volcano believed to cause the most recent tsunami is Arak Krakatau. In Indonesian, Arak means “child.” The “Child of Krakatau” grew from the site of the original volcano named Krakatau, which exploded catastrophically in 1883. The eruption and tsunamis caused the deaths of at least 36,000. Volcanic ash from Krakatau caused average Northern Hemisphere summer temperatures to fall by as much as 1.2 °C. It took five years for temperatures to return to normal.
Had a contract job there, one hot, humid, filthy, dangerous place.
Mostly Muslim, but plenty of illegal women if you dare to risk your health and life.
Couldn’t wait to get out of that place!
Also hit a rock cincert.
More Than 200 Dead,
Hundreds More
Injured After
Tsunami Hits
Is it true Indonesia’s early warning system for tsunamis has not been functional for 6 years? If they rely on the USA system and there is government shutdown, then they had no warning.
Irene: early warning systems would not have been much use in this instance as the distance between landslip and town was so close.
The towns devastated are at the head of inlets so any tsunami is going to be funneled in, getting higher as is progresses.
Like the residents of San Francisco these people know a catastrophe is going to happen someday and hoped that today is not the day.
Irene & Jean,
The off shore buoy systems for undersea earthquakes and tsunamis are automatic and not affected by a government shut-down.
Maybe Indonesia’s are broke or stopped payment, if the US Gov. charges for the it?
Just like the weather buoys out is oceans and the Great Lakes, solar powered and still transmit data.
I can still pull up weather localy and nationally from NOAA’s weather.gov
News said that IF they were working, they would only have about a 10-minute warning.
My phone is too old to use this stuff, but have a go and click the buoy markers, from NOAA.GOV.
National Data Buoy
Center’s home page.
The premier source of
meteorological and
measurements …
Indonesia tsunami: New warning system ‘to be built next year’
BBC News-Dec 25, 2018
Indonesia says it will build a new warning system capable of detecting tsunamis caused by undersea landslides, days after giant waves …