Japanese Carrier Kaga
Paul Allen, the billionaire co-founder of Microsoft, died almost exactly a year ago. Nevertheless, his passion for underwater archeology lives on in the operation of the Research Vessel Petrel, which is fully funded by Allen’s estate. The ship’s mission is to explore historically significant wrecks at challenging depths and conditions. A precondition set by Allen is for discovered wrecks to be respected as war graves and their locations kept secret but known only to national governments and museums.
Their latest find is the wreckage of the Japanese aircraft carrier Kaga which was sunk in the Battle of Midway in June of 1942. Kaga was one of four large Japanese carriers sunk during the battle. Kaga had taken part in the Pearl Harbor raid of December 1941.
The crew of the RV Petrel located the wreck sitting upright 5,400 meters (almost 3 nautical miles) below the surface.