Workers ‘Treated Like Slaves’ on Scottish Trawlers

A BBC investigation has revealed that dozens of workers from around the world may have been trafficked into the UK to work for a small family-owned Scottish fishing firm.

Thirty-five men from the Philippines, Ghana, India, and Sri Lanka were recognized as victims of modern slavery by the Home Office after being referred to it between 2012 and 2020.

The workers were employed by TN Trawlers and its sister companies, owned by the Nicholson family, based in the small town of Annan on the southern coast of Scotland.

The TN Group denied any allegation of modern slavery or human trafficking and said its workers were well-treated and well-paid.

The company was the focus of two long-running criminal investigations but no cases of human trafficking or modern slavery have come to trial, although some of the men waited years to give evidence.

The BBC also reports that the Scottish government awarded more than £250,000 to TN Trawlers. The grants were distributed despite ongoing police investigations, and workers having been recognized by the Home Office as victims of trafficking.

The Scottish government said it was looking into the awarding of the funding.

‘Treated like slaves’ on Scottish fishing boats

Thanks to Alaric Bond for contributing to this post.

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