Screen Capture from 'XO Movie Night'
Last January we posted that Captain Owen Honors had been relieved of duty on USS Enterprise after it was revealed that he produced a series of lewd videos when he was XO (Executive Officer) on the nuclear powered aircraft carrier. Today a Navy panel voted to allow Captain Honors to stay in the Navy.
Panel: Captain Ensnarled in Lewd Video Scandal Can Stay in Navy
A Navy panel says the former commander of a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier who produced raunchy videos aboard the ship can remain in the service. The board of inquiry issued its unanimous decision Wednesday. It had been looking at whether to recommend that Capt. Owen P. Honors be dismissed from the Navy.
Honors was relieved of command in January after media reports about the videos surfaced. The videos included simulated same-sex shower scenes, anti-gay slurs and references to prostitution in foreign ports. Honors says the videos were made to improve morale while teaching important shipboard lessons. He helped produce and appeared in the videos that aired on the ship between 2005 and 2007, when he was the ship’s executive office.