Carrier Ale, the Queen’s Head Pub and the HMS Queen Elizabeth,

A quick two-question quiz — First question: What do US aircraft carriers have that the newest British carrier, HMS Queen Elizabeth, lacks?  The answer is aircraft. The UK’s new aircraft carrier will be conducting flight trials with two borrowed US planes. Its own … Continue reading

Claims of Vast Treasure on Dmitrii Donskoi Wreck a Likely Cryptocurrency Scam

In July we posted about the discovery of the wreck of the Russian armored cruiser, Dmitrii Donskoi, off South Korea. The salvors claimed that the ship may contain 200 tons of gold, which would they said may be worth around $133.4 billion (£102bn) in … Continue reading

HMS Queen Elizabeth Sails for US For First Flight Trials

The HMS Queen Elizabeth set sail yesterday from Portsmouth Naval Base bound for the United States. The 65,000-tonne carrier, the largest warship ever built for the Royal Navy, will embark two US F-35B test aircraft to begin the first flight trials. The BBC reports … Continue reading

Three More Retired Navy Personnel Charged in Fat Leonard Scandal

Two retired U.S. Navy chief petty officers and one retired captain were charged with bribery and fraud in the multi-year “Fat Leonard” criminal investigation, which has been described as the worst corruption scandal in Navy history. Leonard Glenn Francis, who at 6’3″ tall and … Continue reading

Stern of Destroyer USS Abner Read, Sunk in WWII, Found Off Aleutians

On Aug. 18, 1943,  the destroyer USS Abner Read was on anti-submarine patrol near Kiska Island, in Alaska’s Aleutian chain. The Japanese had just recently evacuated the island but had left behind a minefield. At 1:50 a.m.,  the destroyer struck … Continue reading

The Collapse of Venezuela & the New Pirates of the Caribbean

The southern Caribbean has seen a significant increase in piracy of late, at least partially related to the economic and political turmoil in nearby Venezuela. Commerical ships, local fishermen and visiting yachts have all fallen prey to attacks from pirates. Oceans Beyond Piracy (OBP), a … Continue reading

Repost: The Battle of Stonington, CT 1814 — Rocket’s Red Glare, Bombs Bursting in Air

Two hundred and four years ago this week, in a three day battle, the militia at Stonington, CT drove off a four ship Royal Navy flotilla during the War of 1812.  Here is lightly edited repost about the battle from July … Continue reading

Navy Supply Officer “Kaz” Prince Pleads Guilty in $2.7 Million Procurement Scam

Lieutenant Randolph M. Prince, known as “Kaz,” had a pretty slick arrangement. “Kaz” was a supply officer in Virginia Beach, VA. Through friends, he set up sham companies which would be awarded government contracts by Prince. He would generate all the necessary paperwork and certify … Continue reading