What Could the Captain of the ACX Crystal See? Container Ship Visibility & Maneuvering

One recurring comment related to the collision between the USS Fitzgerald and the container ship ACX Crystal was that the container ship might not have been able to see the destroyer over the containers stacked on deck. There are photographs … Continue reading

Orcas Acting Strangely, Part 2 — Stalking and Stealing Fishermen’s Catch in the Bering Sea

Since at least the 1960s there have been reports of orcas, also known as killer whales, stealing fish, particularly halibut, caught by fishing boats operating in the Bering Sea. Recently, the problem seems to be getting much worse. The Alaska Dispatch … Continue reading

Fisherman Killed by a Right Whale, US Suspends Rescue Program Temporarily

Last week, Joe Howlett, 59, a Canadian fisherman and a founder of Campobello Whale Rescue, died after rescuing a North Atlantic right whale, which was entangled in fishing nets off the coast of New Brunswick.  Howlett was apparently struck by the … Continue reading

Cyber-Security at Sea — XP on Carriers, Hacking Tridents & Spoofing GPS

Originally posted on gCaptain. Reposted with permission. When reporters were recently being given tours of the Royal Navy’s new “supercarrier,” HMS Queen Elizabeth, some were surprized to see a distinctive logo on several computer screens on the bridge and in … Continue reading