Hermione, Freedom’s Frigate, is Afloat

We have posted  last March about the replica of the French light frigate l’ Hermione, which has been under construction since 1997 at the historic dockyard in Rochefort, France.  The original l’ Hermione carried the 23 year old the Marquis de Lafayette back to America in … Continue reading

Vacuum Cleaner Victims – the Clipper Ship Cutty Sark and Now the USS Miami !

There is a new threat to our nautical heritage and our nation’s defense!  In 2007, the composite tea clipper Cutty Sark, built in 1869, was ravaged by fire.  An investigation revealed the culprit – an industrial vacuum cleaner.   Now, it appears … Continue reading

How Big is Too Big? Protests on MSC Divina’s Arrival in Venice Lagoon

MSC’s newest passenger ship, the MSC Davina, recently called at the Venice lagoon setting off a storm of protests. The protesters think that such a large ship creates too much pollution and could damage the fragile environment of the lagoon. The MSC Davina is 139,400 GT, … Continue reading

Space Shuttle Enterprise in New York – Damaged in Transit and Delayed by Weather

The Space Shuttle Enterprise has not had an easy time in New York.  When it was barged last Sunday between Kennedy Airport and Bayonne, New Jersey, prior to its final move to the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum, it suffered minor damage to one wingtip when the barge … Continue reading

What’s it Like to Sail in the Clipper Round the World Race? Interview with Skipper Gareth Glover

Gareth Glover, the skipper of the yacht New York, was good enough to sit down yesterday and  provide a glimpse of sailing in the Clipper Round the World Race. Clipper Round the World Race – Interview with Skipper Gareth Glover [iframe: width=”580″ … Continue reading

Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant – a Map of the Festivities

In anticipation of tomorrow’s Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant, a map from LondonTown.com.  Click on the map below for a larger version. [iframe: src=”http://www.londontown.com/London-Maps/Thames-Jubilee-Pageant/EmbedJubilee/?width=580&height=214″ width=”580″ height=”214″ frameborder=”1″ scrolling=”no”] On Sunday 3rd June 2012, over one thousand boats will muster on the River … Continue reading

North Carolina Legislature Plays Xerxes, Considers Making Sea-Level Rise Illegal

When a storm destroyed Xerxes the Great’s bridge across the Hellespont in 480 BCE, he ordered that the sea be flogged with chains. Now, the North Carolina legislature is playing Xerxes. Some North Carolina legislators do not like the estimates of the … Continue reading

Seas of Peace – Israeli, Palestinian and American Teens Head to Sea

Seas of Peace is a remarkable sail training and leadership program that brings together Middle Eastern and American youth for a summer of sailing and conflict resolution training.  This year, in their second summer of operation, they hope to bring together 18 young sailors on … Continue reading

Update: Removing the MV Miner from Nova Scotia’s Scatarie Island

Last October, we posted about the MV Miner, ex Canadian Miner, a Great Lakes bulk carrier whose tow rope snapped on the way to the scrap yard. The ship drifted onto Scatarie Island, off the coast of Cape Breton in Nova … Continue reading

Where Did Ancient Sailors Sail ? – Roman Shipwrecks Located in Deep Water off Corfu and Paxoi

Two Roman-era shipwrecks have been found in water slightly less than a mile deep off the western Greek islands of Corfu and Paxoi. The two third-century wrecks were discovered earlier this month during a survey of an area where a Greek-Italian gas pipeline … Continue reading

Own Your Own Secret Submarine Base – Norway’s Olavsvern Naval Base For Sale

For only 105 million Norwegian krona (thats € 14 million or roughly US$17.5 million) you too can own an Arctic submarine base.  Norway’s Olavsvern Naval Base just outside the city of Tromsø, has been on the market since January 2011, but for the last … Continue reading

Clipper Round the World Fleet Arrives in New York Harbor, Unofficially

The ten boat fleet of the Clipper Round the World Race will officially and formally arrive in New York harbor on Sunday, June 3rd to coincide with the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.  As Sir Robin Knox-Johnston sails the Suhaili, the 32ft yacht on which he became … Continue reading