Stern of Destroyer USS Abner Read, Sunk in WWII, Found Off Aleutians

On Aug. 18, 1943,  the destroyer USS Abner Read was on anti-submarine patrol near Kiska Island, in Alaska’s Aleutian chain. The Japanese had just recently evacuated the island but had left behind a minefield. At 1:50 a.m.,  the destroyer struck … Continue reading

Repost: The Battle of Stonington, CT 1814 — Rocket’s Red Glare, Bombs Bursting in Air

Two hundred and four years ago this week, in a three day battle, the militia at Stonington, CT drove off a four ship Royal Navy flotilla during the War of 1812.  Here is lightly edited repost about the battle from July … Continue reading

Court Rules Shipwreck Ribault’s Flagship, la Trinité, Property of France

 In 1565, Captain Jean Ribault sailed from France with ships and 800 settlers to resupply and reinforce the French colony of Fort Caroline in what is now the state of Florida. The French colony was being threatened by the Spanish … Continue reading

Gold & the Wreck of the Russian Cruiser Dmitrii Donskoi — Real or Hype?

Salvors have announced the discovery of the wreck of the Russian armored cruiser, Dmitrii Donskoi, which was scuttled in 1905 during the Russo-Japanese War following the Battle of Tsushima. The wreck was found in 1,400 feet of water about one … Continue reading

Spanish Divers Find Wreck of World War II Submarine U-966

In June, three Spanish divers located the wreck of the German World War II submarine U-966 near the coast of Galicia in north-west Spain. The BBC reports that the submarine’s wreckage is spread widely in a very rocky area where rough weather often makes diving … Continue reading

The Last U-Boat Captain, Reinhard Hardegen, & the Tanker Coimbra

I recently saw two stories in the press that happen to overlap.  Captain Reinhard Hardegen The first story was the report of the death of Reinhard Hardegen at 105 years old. Hardegen was believed to have been the last surviving German U-boat commander from … Continue reading

Matriarchs of Sail Training — the Five Sisters of the Gorch Fock Class

Three years ago, the BBC published an article with the clickbait title of “Why is the US still using a Nazi tall ship?”  The article was about the USCG Cutter Eagle and was OK as far as it went. The title … Continue reading

Bones From Whydah Gally Shipwreck Not “Black Sam” Bellamy’s, After All

Last February, we posted about human bone fragments found near the wreck of the pirate ship Whydah Gally on Cape Cod, Massachusetts.  The bones were located close to where a pistol, which possibly belonged to the ship’ captain, “Black Sam” Bellamy, had been recovered.  Forensic … Continue reading