Captain Kidd in the News – New Exhibit at Docklands Museum and Shipwreck ‘Living Museum of the Sea’

The notorious pirate Captain William Kidd was executed three hundred and ten years ago this month, yet is far from forgotten.  A new exhibit is opening on May 20th at the Museum of London Dockyards – Pirates:  The Captain Kidd Story. … Continue reading

Whisky Bottles Still Washing Up From the Wreck of the Sailing Ship Stuart – 110 years ago

It is not champagne, but whiskey bottles which are still appearing from the sands where the sailing ship Stuart wrecked 110 years ago on Easter Sunday off the Llyn peninsula of Northern Wales. Whisky bottles still being washed up on … Continue reading

Douglas Faulkner and the MV Derbyshire

Douglas Faulkner, who died recently, had a varied and highly accomplished career as a naval and marine architect.   He was involved in the design and testing of the first British nuclear submarine, HMS Dreadnought.   He was later an assistant professor at the Royal Naval College, … Continue reading

The Titanic – from Maritime Tragedy to Pop Culture Icon

Ninety nine years ago today, the RMS Titanic sank after striking an iceberg in the North Atlantic with the loss of 1,517 passengers and crew.  The sinking of the Titanic had a major impact on  ship  operations.     The first International … Continue reading

Happy Birthday, U.S. Submarine Force: 111 Today

One hundred and eleven years ago today the US Navy accepted  its first successful submarine, the USS Holland.  The previous November, in New York harbor, the Holland passed the Navy’s tests.  She ran for one mile underwater, surfaced, fired a torpedo then … Continue reading

Turning a Blind Eye – Nelson at Copenhagen

On April 2, 1801 at a key moment at the Battle of Copenhagen, Admiral Sir Hyde Parker, in overall command of the British forces, sent a signal to Vice-Admiral Horatio Nelson to withdraw.  Nelson is said to have lifted his telescope to his blind eye … Continue reading

Odyssey Searching for the S.S. Gairsoppa and $260 million in Silver

On February 16, 1941 the S.S. Gairsoppa was bound from India to Britain, when she was torpedoed by a German submarine and sank 300 miles southwest of Galway Bay.  In addition to pig iron and tea, she carried silver bullion … Continue reading

More Treasure from the Atocha – 17th century gold chain worth $250,000

Last week, while searching near the the wreck of  Nuestra Senora de Atocha, Bill Burt, a diver for Mel Fisher’s Treasures, found a 17th century gold chain worth $250,000. Deep sea treasure: 17th century gold chain worth $250,000 plucked from … Continue reading