USS Porter Collides with VLCC M/V Otowasan Near Strait of Hormuz – the Disturbing Implications

The Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer, USS Porter collided with the Japanese owned, Panamanian flag, Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC)  M/V Otowasan in the the Strait of Hormuz at around 1 am Sunday, local time. While few details are currently available, the … Continue reading

William Mariner, the Privateer Port-au-Prince & the Tongan Shipwreck

Divers may have found the wreck of a British privateer, Port-au-Prince, which was sunk off the island of Lifuka  in the Ha’apai island group of Tonga, in December 1806. The ship was attacked by Tongan warriors on the orders of King Finau ‘Ulukalala II. The Tongans … Continue reading

Legendary Cable Layer, Chamarel (ex CS Vercors), On Fire & Abandoned Off Namibia’s Skeleton Coast

France Telecom-Orange announced today that an unexplained fire had broken out on Thursday on the cable laying ship, the Chamarel, in the Atlantic Ocean off Namibia’s Skeleton Coast in the Atlantic Ocean.   The crew of 56 abandoned ship after attempts at firefighting … Continue reading

Senate Keeps “Great Green Fleet” Alive, for Now

After being threatened the by Republican cost-cutters, the Senate defense appropriations subcommittee recently voted to continue funding the Navy’s “Great green Fleet” alternative energy program. In 2009, Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus announced the Navy’s “Great Green Fleet” initiative with the goals … Continue reading

Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival in New York – the Fastest Growing Boating Competition that You May Never Have Heard Of

The 22st Annual Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival in New York will be held this weekend in Meadow Lake at Flushing Meadows, Corona Park.  Fielding 170 dragon boat teams and over 2,000 participants, it is one of the largest boating festivals … Continue reading

Britain’s Oldest Shipping Company, Stephenson Clarke Shipping, in Liquidation

In 1730, the third year of the reign of King George II, two brothers, Ralph and Robert Clarke, bought shares in a 300-ton sailing vessel. Their enterprise would become Stephenson Clarke Shipping, which in recent years  has specialized in the shipment of short sea … Continue reading

British Navy Borrowing a Billionaire’s Octopus to Find A Battlecruiser’s Bell

Billionaire and philanthropist, Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen is loaning his 126 metre superyacht Octopus to the British Royal Navy to mount an expedition to locate and raise the bell from the battle cruiser HMS Hood (51) sunk by the German battleship Bismark in the Denmark … Continue reading

WWII U-550 Located 70 Miles South of Nantucket, Massachusetts

Yesterday we posted about the possible discovery of a German WWII  submarine sunk in the Churchill River in Labrador, Canada. Now we have learned that the German World War II submarine U-550 has been located in the Atlantic, 70 miles … Continue reading

Is a German WWII Submarine on the Bottom of Churchill River in Labrador?

Searchers using side scanning sonar believe that they may have located a German U-boat from World War II on the bottom in the Churchill River not far from Muskrat Falls  in Labrador, Canada, more than 100 kilometres from the ocean.   German submarines operated … Continue reading

Facing Up to Climate Change – A World Without Coral Reefs

Earlier this month, we posted how the North Carolina legislature is considering legislating limits to sea level projections, even though recent studies suggest that sea levels are rising faster on the US East Coast than they are in the rest of the world. That hasn’t … Continue reading

First the Titanic II & Now the Revival of Windjammer and Chalk ?

Last April we posted about Australian mining billionaire Clive Palmer’s plans to build a 21st-century replica of the Titanic. I am not sure how I feel about naming new vessels after maritime tragedies. On the other hand, the Titanic may … Continue reading

Deepwater Horizon, Two New Reports – BP & Transocean Failure at Spill Prevention & Dead Dolphins

Two recent reports look at the actions and inaction of BP and its contractor Transocean before the Deepwater Horizon explosion and the consequences of the resulting spill on the environment.  The explosion on the drilling rig Deepwater Horizon killed 11 and … Continue reading

Update: MSC Flaminia Under Tow with Fire Under Control Approaches UK Coast

The fire on the containership MSC Flaminia, abandoned in the mid-Atlantic after a fire and explosion on July 15th, is reported now to be under control. The ship is under by the Smit salvage tug Fairmount Expedition at five knots and is roughly … Continue reading

Update: Shipyard Worker Charged with Arson in USS Miami Fire

We apologize to industrial vacuum cleaners. (They may not be the national security threat we once thought.)   In a previous post we repeated a statement by the Federal investigators that the fire on the nuclear submarine USS Miami, undergoing repairs in … Continue reading

Interview with Captain Denise Meagher & Dawn Santamaria of Schooner Unicorn & Sisters Under Sail

A very interesting interview with Captain Denise Meagher and Dawn Santamaria of the schooner Unicorn and the Sisters under Sail Program at this weekend’s Halifax Tall Ships Festival. Interview: All-female crew on tall ship … Continue reading