The Schooner Virginia is Back Sailing!

At the end of May, we posted about the “unfortunate economics of tall ships.”   All ships, sailing ships included and perhaps, especially, are devilishly expensive to maintain and run, and income is tough to come by, especially in these difficult economic times.  One … Continue reading

Extinguishing the Fire on MSC Flaminia, Drifting in the North Atlantic, May Take Weeks

The Smit 16,320-hp ocean going tug Fairmount Expedition has reportedly been successful in controlling the spread of the fire on the MSC Flaminia, the  6,732 TEU container ship which was abandoned in middle of the North Atlantic last Sunday after suffering a … Continue reading

Schooner Larinda Sails into Halifax 9 Years After Sinking

The 86′ schooner Larinda sank in Halifax harbor during Hurricane Juan on September 29, 2003.   She was raised from the harbor bottom and following a nine year restoration has returned to Halifax for this year’s Tall Ship Festival. The design and construction of the … Continue reading

Another Zanzibar Ferry Sinks – 38 Dead, 100 Missing

Last September we posted about the sinking of a ferry off Zanzibarwith the loss of 200 passengers.  Yesterday, another ferry sank off the Zanzibar coast. Thirty eight are confirmed dead with another 100 missing.  Zanzibar police spokesman Mohamed Mhina said, “Search operations continue but … Continue reading

Update: Wreck of the SS Garisopa – Odyssey Marine Recovers 48 Tons of Silver From Three Miles Down

Last September we posted that Odyssey Marine Exploration had located the wreck of the S.S. Gairsoppa, which was torpedoed in February of 1941 by a German U-boat. When she sank, the ship was loaded with 240 tonnes of silver believed … Continue reading

Update: New Explosions on Container Ship MSC Flaminia Burning in the North Atlantic, Smit Tug Fairmont Expedition Arrives

On Sunday we posted about an explosion and fire aboard the container ship MSC Flaminia in the North Atlantic about a thousand miles west of Cornwall.  The first officer died from burns received in the fire and one crew member is missing. … Continue reading

Serious Threat to Endangered Whales – Ship Strikes & Entangling Nets

One of the greatest threats to many endangered species of whale is being run down by ships or getting entangled in fishing nets.  This week, federal maritime officials have approved a plan to protect whales in and around San Francisco Bay that features … Continue reading

Falls of Clyde, Last Four-Masted Full-Rigged Iron Ship, Needs Volunteers & Funds

Falls of Clyde is the last four-masted full-rigged iron ship and the only surviving sailing oil tanker. The ship was launched in 1878 in Port Glasgow, Scotland, for the Fall Line.  She became a museum ship in Honolulu, Hawaii in 1971, but was … Continue reading

Containership MSC Flaminia in Flames in the North Atlantic

The container ship, MSC Flaminia, is in flames, drifting in the North Atlantic, roughly half way between Britain and Canada, approximately 1,000 miles west of Cornwall.   One man is reported either be missing or to have died from burns. At least … Continue reading

City of Water & Fire – A Day in New York Harbor

Today the  the Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance hosted the “City of Water Day” to celebrate New York – New Jersey harbor.  Festivities were centered on Governor’s Island and Liberty State Park with activities spread across the waterfront from Edgewater to Brooklyn and Staten Island.  In addition to … Continue reading

Update: Viking Longship Dragon Harald Fairhair Under Sail

We have been following the construction of the Dragon Harald Fairhair, (or in Norwegian Draken Harald Hårfagre)  the largest Viking longship to have been built in modern times. (See our previous post – Building the Viking Longship Dragon Harald Fairhair.)  Built of oak, … Continue reading

Baltic “UFO” a Top-Secret Nazi Anti-Submarine Weapon?

This story just keeps getting stranger.  A year ago last June, the Swedish treasure hunters, Ocean X Team, saw something that they did not understand while doing sonar sweeps of the bottom of the Baltic Sea.   There appeared to be a 200′ diameter … Continue reading

Update: Saving the SS United States at $1 per Square Inch

In February 2011, we posted that the the SS United States Conservancy had purchased the S.S. United States from Norwegian Cruise Line.  The sale was made possible by a $5.8 million gift by Philadelphia philanthropist H.F. “Gerry” Lenfest.  Since then the Conservancy has raised $5 million of the estimated $25 million needed … Continue reading

Update: USS Ponce, One of the Oldest Amphibious Transport Dock Ships, Forward Command Post and Commando Mothership After All

Last February, we posted about the modification to the USS Ponce prior to being sent to the Persian Gulf. (See Mine-Detecting Dolphins and USS Ponce, Commando “Mothership” in Persian Gulf?)   We included the question mark in the post title because, while … Continue reading

The Return of Commercial Sail – UT Wind Challenger & Retracting Rigid Wing Sails

Early airplane wings were built of canvas stretched over a wooden frame, held together with wire rigging.  Modern airplane wings are built of aluminum and other metals.  The comparison to sails, masts and rigging on ships may not apply directly.  Nevertheless, the … Continue reading

Ernest Borgnine – from Gunners-Mate to Marty to McHale’s Navy and Sponge Bob Square Pants

Ernest Borgnine has died at the age of 95.  He joined the Navy in 1935, straight out of high school and served through World War II, leaving the service with the rank of gunner’s mate 1st class.  He became an actor, appearing in over … Continue reading

A Wealth of Overlapping Tall Ships and Harbor Festivals In New London, Newport, Providence and New Bedford

To say that this will be a busy weekend on the New England waterfront may be an understatement. Following the 4th of July festivities in Boston, OpSail 2012 CT starts today in New London, CT, with an impressive fleet of ships.  Only about 50 … Continue reading