Update: Odyssey Marine Loses Appeal to Supreme Court Justice

Earlier this week, we posted that a circuit court had upheld previous rulings against Odyssey Marine Exploration, requiring the company to return to Spain $500m (£308m) worth of gold and silver coins it had recovered from the wreck of the Nuestra Señora de las … Continue reading

From Drought to Extreme Cold – Europe’s Waterways Freezing Over

Pity the river boatman. Just a few months ago, a European drought lowered the water levels on many rivers and canals, significantly limiting barge and ship traffic.  The lower river levels also unexpectedly exposed un-exploded ordinance from  World War II.   In … Continue reading

US Army Landing Craft, Great Bridge, Rescues 101 Adrift in the Pacific

It is easy to forget how many ships and boats are indeed operated by the United States Army. Earlier this week the 80 feet long vessel, Enin Meto, with 101 people aboard, was bound from Lib to Ebeye, two island … Continue reading

Container Ship Horizon Reliance Saves Three in Nighttime Rescue in the Pacific

At around 2AM local time Wednesday, the container ship Horizon Reliance rescued three Canadians, two men and a 9 year old boy, from the 33 foot disabled sailboat, Liahona, about 411 nautical miles east of Honolulu, Hawaii.  The winds were gusting over 40 knots … Continue reading

Video of the Lagarfljóts Worm, Great Icelandic Lake Monster – An Internet Sensation

I saw it on the Internet so it must be true!  The Lagarfljóts Worm has gone viral.  A video of what appears to be a large serpent-like creature swimming in the the glacial river, Jökulsá í Fljótsdal, in east Iceland, has been … Continue reading

Spanish Win the Fight for the Mercedes – Judge Orders Odyssey to Return $500 Million in Coins

The Battle of Cape Santa Maria was one of the most controversial naval engagements of the Napoleonic Wars.  The attack on a Spanish treasure fleet on October 5, 1804 by a British squadron, without a declaration of war, was considered to be an act of piracy … Continue reading

Dutch Tall Ships Europa and Oosterschelde Sailing Old Trade Routes to Indonesia and Australia

The first documented European to land on Australia was the Dutch navigator Willem Janszoon aboard the Duyfken in March 1606.   Duyfken was also one of the first Dutch ships to got directly to the East Indies to load spices.  The Dutch would long … Continue reading

Hawaii Superferries, Marad, Title XI and the US Navy – Taxpayers Still Foot the Bill

Pity the poor taxpayer.  The headline was short and simple – U.S. Navy Buys Hawaii Superferries.  For only $35 million dollars, the US Navy is buying two aluminum, high-speed, ro/ro ferries built for Hawaii Superferry for inter-island service in Hawaii.  The ferries were … Continue reading

A Grim Week for Shipwrecks – Black Sea, the Dominican Republic, Papua New Guinea and Dongting Lake in China Claim

It is easy to focus of the plight of the 34 dead or missing from the Costa Concordia.  Regrettably, these casualties have not been the only recent deaths on the water. The past week has been particularly brutal with ship and boat sinkings in … Continue reading

SS Port Nicholson, the “Blue Baron” and the 70 Tons of Platinum – Déjà Vu ?

We recently posted about a press release by Sub Sea Research (SSR) claiming to have located the wreck of a British cargo ship sunk in June 1942 by the German submarine U87. Sub Sea Research claims that the ship was carrying 70 tons of platinum … Continue reading

Container Ship MOL Summer Rescued 116 of 246 Survivors of Capsized Ferry

The officers and crew of the Mitsui O.S.K. Lines container ship, MOL Summer, deserve a special commendation for their rescue of 116 people following the capsizing and sinking of the passenger ferry MV Rabaul Queen off the coast of Papua New Guinea early Thursday. Eight merchant vessels assisted in … Continue reading

British Passenger Seen Falling Overboard from Cruise Ship Allure of the Seas

On Friday morning, a British passenger was seen falling overboard  fell from the balcony of his cruise ship cabin on the Royal Caribbean cruise ship,  the Allure of the Seas, while cruising off the coast of Mexico, near the island of Cozumel.  The Allure of the Seas with a capacity of … Continue reading

Arms & Drug Trafficking – Container Ships and Rust Buckets

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute has recently released a study of arms and drug trafficking by ship. The headline is “Most ships involved in arms and drugs trafficking are based in world’s richest countries.”  The larger part of the picture, however, is not … Continue reading