Volunteers Allowed Back to Work at the South Street Seaport Museum

Several years ago I took a sail on the AJ Meerwald in New York harbor. While on the sail I saw the schooner Pioneer, owned and operated by the South Street Seaport Museum, also sailing in the harbor. Despite having … Continue reading

Pearl Harbor, 70 Years Ago Today – Disbanding the Survivors Association

It was inevitable. The Pearl Harbor Survivors Association will observe the 70th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor on this day in 1941.  It will be the  Association’s last observance. The group has too few remaining members to carry on and will disband on … Continue reading

Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge – “The World’s Roughest Rowing Race”

Seventeen teams from around the world have set off rowing from Spain’s San Sebastian de la Gomera in the Canary Islands in the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge in what is billed as the “World’s Roughest Rowing Race.” The teams will … Continue reading

Update: Bombs on the Rhine – Koblentz Bombs Successfully Defused, Residents Return

We have previously posted about how the European drought has lowered the Rhine River so that World War II munitions long buried in the riverbank have become exposed.  Over the weekend, forty five thousand people, roughly half of the population of the city … Continue reading

Christmas Tree Ship Arrives at Navy Dock in Chicago

On Friday, the “Christmas Tree Ship” arrived again on the Chicago docks, bringing Christmas trees to needy families. The arrival of the ship has become a Chicago holiday tradition, honoring of the memory of Capt Herman Schuenemann and his three … Continue reading

The First Christmas Tree Ship – Captain Herman Schuenemann & the Schooner Rouse Simmons

Today the Christmas Ship is Chicago’s largest all volunteer charitable support program for inner city youth and their families at Christmas time.  At the turn of the twentieth century, the “Christmas Tree Ship” was a family business. In  the mid 1880s, August and … Continue reading

Perry’s Revenge Ale – Celebrating Perry’s Lost Ship

Last January, three divers, Charles Buffum, Mike Fournier and Craig Harger, announced that they had located the wreck of Oliver Hazard Perry’s ship USS Revenge which sank 200 years ago off the coast of Rhode Island near Watch Hill.   It turns out that Charles Buffum, … Continue reading

Update: Bombs Along the Rhine – Half of Koblenz to be Evacuated for Bomb Disposal

Recently we posted about how the near record drought in Europe has lowered the levels in the Rhine River, not only limiting vessel traffic, but also exposing World War II munitions.  We wrote that “ bomb disposal experts … are evaluating how to dispose of a … Continue reading

Thunder on the Thames – HMS Belfast Gangway Collapses

The gangway to HMS Belfast, collapsed into the Thames River in London shortly after noon today.  Two work men are reported to have been taken to the hospital with what are described as abrasions.  More than 100 people on board the ship, including 30 school … Continue reading

The USS HORNET Project – Building a Replica of the Historic Sloop of War

The Naval Heritage Society is attempting to to build a full-scale, fully functional replica of of the USS Hornet, a sloop of war built in 1805, which had a successful career in the War of 1812 and beyond, before being lost in a hurricane in … Continue reading

Captain Seog Hae-gyun Earns IMO Award for Exceptional Bravery at Sea 2011

On November 21st, at IMO Headquarters in London, Captain Seog Hae-gyun was awarded the IMO Award for Exceptional Bravery at Sea for 2011 “for his decisive, brave and courageous actions to protect his ship and crew during a vicious pirate attack … Continue reading

RV Atlantis Rescues 93 Egyptians from Fishing Trawler in the Mediterranean

Last Friday night, only twelve hours into a 15 day Mediterranean voyage, the research vessel Atlantis received a mayday call, relayed by the Greek Coast Guard reporting a fishing boat in distress about 40 miles away, near the island of … Continue reading