USS Pegasus and the Littoral Combat Ships

David Hayes passed along a video of the USS Pegasus, a hydrofoil patrol boat that was billed as the “vanguard of the new navy,”  thirty five years ago.   While the Pegasus was not the first of many hydrofoils as was intended in 1975, the development … Continue reading

Lighthouse Ice Sculpture – Welcome to Winter

The photos and video clip are almost a week old but nevertheless seem like an excellent way to welcome in the winter. This ice sculpture is the Cleveland Harbor West Pierhead Lighthouse on Lake Erie.  Happy Winter Solstice to everyone North of … Continue reading

Richard Pendered – Helped Break “Shark” Enigma Cipher And to Sink the Scharnhorst

Perhaps foreshadowing our own information age, World War II’s “Battle of the Atlantic” between German submarine wolf-packs and Allied convoys was largely won and nearly lost by the code breakers of Bletchley Park.   In 1940, Alan Turing had begun to … Continue reading

What is AMVER?

What is AMVER?  They are the most amazing world-wide maritime search and rescue network that you probably have never heard of.  AMVER stands for the Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue System. It was founded over fifty years ago, in 1958, and currently over 19,000 ships … Continue reading

HMS Temeraire, USS Olympia, and the American Racer – A Few Thoughts on Ship Preservation

Bernard Cornwell‘s introduction to his review of  Sam Willis’s book, “The Fighting Temeraire,”  is as dramatic as it is sadly accurate. He writes:  At Penn’s Landing in Philadelphia, the battle-cruiser USS Olympia lies glorious and doomed. The oldest steel warship in … Continue reading

Second Leg of the Velux Five Oceans Race Underway

The second leg of the Velux Five Oceans singlehanded around the world race began today with the five  competitors  setting  sail from Cape Town, South Africa bound for Wellington, NZ, a 7,000 mile voyage across the wild Southern Ocean.  Brad Van Liew, … Continue reading

Statue Cruises fuel cell powered hybrid ferry for New York harbor

Earlier this week we posted about Cakewalk, a luxury yacht built at Derecktor Shipyards in Bridgeport, Conn.   Here is quite different vessel now under construction at Derecktor.    Statue Cruises, a subsidiary of Hornblower Cruises, has hired Derecktor to construct the world’s … Continue reading

Tragedy on Christmas Island – Asylum Seekers Die in Shipwreck

A horrific story from Australia’s Christmas Island where a boat carrying asylum-seekers believed to be from Iraq and Iran broke up in rough after striking rocks offshore.  Forty two people were been rescued and twenty seven have been confirmed dead, though that … Continue reading

Armed Japanese Coast Guard to Face off against Sea Shepherd “Godzilla”

It sounds like like a joke, and indeed it has many elements of farce, but nevertheless when the TV reality-show pirates of Animal Planet’s Whale Wars, the Sea Shepherds, meet the Japanese whalers this season in the Southern Ocean, matters could … Continue reading

From the Onion : Abby Sunderland – Concocted History’s Most Extreme Plan To Get Out Of A Summer Job

The Onion is a satire magazine.  In their “The People Who Mattered – 2010” they included their own take on 16 year old sailor Abby Sunderland’s attempted circumnavigation.  Moderately amusing.  To read our non-satirical posts about Abby click here. Abby Sunderland … Continue reading