Fine Arts in Boston – Ship Models

The first exhibit in the $500 expansion of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts new Art of the Americas Wing in currently being installed.   The first new exhibit –  ship models.  An excellent choice.   The new wing opens in November.  For those … Continue reading

Concordia Investigation Update

In addition to the investigation underway by the Barbados Maritime Ship Registry on behalf of the government of Barbados, where the Concordia was registered, the Transportation Safety Board of Canada has decided to conduct its own independent investigation into the … Continue reading

11th Annual Ghost Ships Festival in Milwaukee on March 5th & 6th

11th Annual Ghost Ships Festival 2010 The Ghost Ships Festival is Wisconsin’s largest trade show devoted to Scuba Diving and Great Lakes Maritime History. Exhibits, workshops, and presentations cover just about every aspect of Great Lakes maritime history and scuba diving. … Continue reading

Persistent Sheen – After 60 Years Princess Kathleen Still Leaking Oil off Alaskan coast

Sunken Canadian ship spewing oil off Alaskan coast: U.S. Coast Guard A storied Canadian steamship that offered luxury cruises for decades along the British Columbia coast, then served a crucial role during the Second World War transporting troops, supplies and … Continue reading

Update: SS Olympia – Stuck in Philadelphia by Sandbars and Scandal

Recently we posted that the Independence Seaport Museum is seeking a new owner for the USS Olympia which it cannot afford to support.  See Philly Museum Sends SOS to Care for Historic Ship.   Sadly it appears that not only … Continue reading

In the Wake of the Beagle – Stad Amsterdam arrives in Melbourne

Stad Amsterdam arriving in Melbourne Back in September we posted about a group of historians and naturalists, as well as a film crew for Dutch VPRO Television sailing on the Stad Amsterdam. The ship is retracing the voyage of HMS … Continue reading

NATO Destroyer Sinks Pirate Mother Ship off Somalia but Lets Pirates Go

In the ongoing somewhat surreal operation against piracy off Somalia,  the HDMS Absalon, a Danish destroyer, sank a pirate “mother ship” but allowed the pirates to return to shore.   The official goal appears to be to “disrupt” rather than stop pirate activities. … Continue reading