Unexpected Whale Watching in New York Harbor

This morning while sailing on the schooner Pioneer in Upper New York Harbor, we were all surprised when the captain shouted “whale”.    There, close aboard to starboard, the back and dorsal fin of a whale rose and then disappeared beneath the surface of the harbor. The … Continue reading

Archeology Weekend at Lake Champlain Maritime Museum

The Lake Champlain Maritime Museum is hosting an Archeology Weekend tomorrow and Sunday. it will include  presentations on Lake Champlain shipwrecks and feature some of their latest explorations including early steamboats, gunboats, sailing vessels and canal boats. There will be special demonstrations in … Continue reading

Hywind – the First Full-scale Floating Wind Turbine

Last week, StatoilHydro inaugurated Hywind in the North Sea off South-west Norway. Hywind is the first full scale floating wind turbine and is a research pilot program to develop a new generation of offshore wind mills. StatoilHydro inaugurates floating wind … Continue reading

Gold and Ivory Shipwreck on a Beach of Diamonds

The October 2009 National Geographic magazine has a fascinating story of a 16th century shipwreck on a beach in southern Namibia.  In 1533 a  Portuguese trading ship carrying a fortune in gold and ivory, bound for the famed spice ports of India, was swept ashore and wrecked … Continue reading

Australian adventurer & teenage circumnavigator to re-enact Capt. Bligh’s epic open boat voyage

Australian adventurer Don McIntyre and teenage circumnavigator Mike Perham to re-enact Capt William Bligh’s epic mutiny on the Bounty open boat voyage Australian adventurer and solo round the world sailor, Don McIntyre announced today that Mike Perham, the world’s youngest … Continue reading