The Star of India — 160 Years Old & Still Sailing

Over the Veterans’ Day weekend, the iron-hulled sailing ship Star of India left her dock at the Maritime Museum of San Diego, setting sail, for the first time in five years, to celebrate her 160th birthday.  A short news video: … Continue reading

US Tourist, 75, Dies After Ferry Boat to Blue Lagoon Island Sinks in the Bahamas

A popular, full-day excursion to Blue Lagoon Island, from a cruise ship docked in Nassau in the Bahamas, ended in tragedy on Tuesday when a ferry boat loaded with 100 passengers rolled over and sank in choppy waters. A 75-year-old … Continue reading

Saildrone Issued First-Ever Classification For A Commercial Autonomous, Uncrewed Vehicle

Intriguing news from Saildrone. The developer of ocean data collection using autonomous vehicles announced that it has received the first-ever classification for an autonomous, uncrewed surface vehicle (USV). From their announcement: The American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) has been a … Continue reading

World’s Newest Island Rises Off Iwo Jima After Undersea Volcanic Eruption

The world’s newest island has risen from the Pacific Ocean off the Japanese island of Iwo Jima after an underwater volcanic eruption that began toward the end of October. In just 10 days, volcanic ash and rocks built up on … Continue reading

Repost: On Armistice Day, Remembering the German High Seas Fleet Mutinies of 1918

In the US, today is Veteran’s Day, when we honor those who have served in the military. It coincides with Armistice Day, the anniversary of the signing of the armistice which ended World War I, on the 11th hour of … Continue reading

The Sinking of the SS Edmund Fitzgerald 48 Years Ago — the Unsolved Mystery

SS Edmund Fitzgerald, an American Great Lakes ore carrier, sank 48 years ago today, on November 10, 1975, in a storm on Lake Superior. The crew of 29 was lost when the freighter, loaded with 26,000 tons of iron ore pellets, … Continue reading

Cruise Ship Spirit of Discovery in the Bay of Biscay — Passengers Feared for Theirs Lives, 100 Injured

A disturbing account of the Saga Cruises’ ship Spirit of Discovery that was caught in severe weather in the Bay of Biscay in which 100 passengers were injured. Five are reported to have been seriously injured. BBC reports that the … Continue reading

Update — El Nino Drought Results in Further Shipping Cuts to Panama Canal Transits

In August, we posted Panamax Meets Pana-Drought — Drought Restrictions In Canal Cause Delays and 200 Ship Backlog. A record drought associated with the naturally occurring El Nino climate pattern has resulted in one of the country’s driest years in … Continue reading

From Norse Mythology: Naglfar, Ship of the Dead, Made Entirely From Fingernails and Toenails

A second post suitable for Halloween week. In Norse mythology, there were two great ships. Skidbladnir, was a ship that could carry Odin and his followers in Asgard, which also could be folded into a cloth that would fit in … Continue reading

Which Sail Assist Technology is Best — Airbus Trying Both Flettner Rotors & Suction Sails

Of the various wind assist technologies available for commercial shipping, which is the most cost-efficient? It is likely, too soon to tell. AIrbus is reported to be trying two different approaches — retrofitting one existing ship with suction sails and … Continue reading

Update: Sailing Past the Future Stad Ship Tunnel on MS Trollfjord

This afternoon, sailing south from Ålesund bound for Haugesund, on Hurtigruten’s MS Trollfjord, I noticed something unusual. The ship was pitching and rolling. The motion was gentle but evident. On the previous twelve or so days of the voyage to … Continue reading

Collision Between Two Cargo Ships Off Germany Leaves One Dead, Two Rescued and Four Missing

Around 5 am about 14 miles southwest of the island of Heligoland, Germany, the British bulk carrier Verity sank after colliding with the Bahamian-flagged bulk carrier Polesie. Of the Verity‘s crew of seven, two were rescued, one has died and … Continue reading

Updated Repost on Trafalgar Day Plus One : Conrad on Nelson — What if the Wind Had Shifted?

I am currently traveling, so I managed to miss Trafalgar Day. Here is an updated repost in honor of Nelson’s great victory over the combined French and Spanish fleets a day ago on October 21, in 1805. There is a … Continue reading

Wreckage of WWII British Submarine HMS Thistle Believed to Have Been Found Off Norway

The Institute of Maritime Research announced recently that the wreckage of the World War II British submarine HMS Thistle has probably been discovered outside Rogaland, Norway, after more than 80 years on the seabed. In the Spring of 2023, the … Continue reading

Berge Bulk Launches 21st Century “Windjammer” with 4 WindWings

In a press release on Tuesday, Berge Bulk, one the world’s leading dry bulk ship owners, announced the launch of its 211,153 DWT Newcastlemax bulker, Berge Olympus, with four retrofitted BARTech WindWings by Yara Marine Technologies. The WindWings installation is … Continue reading

Historic Schooner Victory Chimes Arrives in New York For Likely Conversion to Floating Restaurant

Last Wednesday, the 123-year-old Victory Chimes was towed past the Rockland Harbor breakwater, in all likelihood, ending her long and storied carrier as a commercial sailing vessel. This Saturday, she arrived at Pier 25 in Manhattan on the Hudson River, … Continue reading

Happy Birthday US Navy – Whenever and Wherever the Date and Place May be

Today, October 13th, is celebrated as the birthday of the United States Navy, not to be confused with Navy Day which was once celebrated on October 27th.  The current “birthday” may have more to do with bragging rights than real … Continue reading