The called themselves the Wild Vikings. They were to be the “new generation of explorers.” From their website: The crew onboard Berserk II wish to pick up the old Norsemen traditions opposed to todays so called “civilized” and often artificial … Continue reading
Category Archives: Lore of the Sea
The FisherPoets Gathering is an gathering of poets, songwriters, storytellers and artists involved in the fishing industry, getting together to to share poems, stories, songs, memoirs, essays and art. Sounds like great fun. It is being held from held … Continue reading
Some rather remarkable footage. Posted by Linda Anderson on Facebook. Nearly swallowed by whales [iframe: title=”YouTube video player” width=”480″ height=”390″ src=”″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen] … Continue reading
For a late winter weekend, this one is busy with maritime events. The Chicago Maritime Festival this weekend sounds fantastic. “Daytime activities include maritime history, lighthouses, shipwrecks, model boats for kids, life raft demonstrations, marine art, songs for younger sailors, knot tying and … Continue reading
The four boat fleet of the Velux 5 Oceans Singlehanded Around the World Race has rounded or is rounding Cape Horn on the third leg of the race. Brad Van Liew on La Pingouin has kept the lead. Unless … Continue reading
On January 14th we posted about the Royal Rendezvous in New York harbor, the rendezvous of the three Queens of the Cunard Line, the Queen Mary 2, the Queen Victoria, and the Queen Elizabeth. Now just over a month later the Queen Mary … Continue reading
Why did the pirates kill their for American hostages aboard the sailing yacht Quest? We may never know. Naval officers are speculating that the close approach of the destroyer USS Sterett may have panicked some of the pirates. The Sterett reportedly drew closer … Continue reading
For the first time since the Iranian revolution in 1979, two ships of the Iranian Navy are transiting the Suez Canal bound for the Mediterranean Sea. The two ships, Alvand, a patrol frigate and Kharg, a supply ship, entered the … Continue reading
The US Central Command announced this morning that four Americans aboard the hijacked sailing vessel Quest were shot and killed by pirates at approximately 1 a.m. EST today. The victims were Jean and Scott Adam, the owners of the yacht, and Phyllis … Continue reading
In contrast to claims made by BP suggesting that the Gulf will have recovered from the Deep Horizon oil spill by 2012, a recent study presented at an American Association for the Advancement of Science conference says that the damage is far … Continue reading
We are learning more about the hijacked SV Quest, seized by pirates off Oman last Friday. The sailing yacht, reportedly with Americans Scott and Jean Adam, Phyllis Macay and Bob Riggle aboard, had been sailing with the Oz-Med section of … Continue reading
A glimpse at what trans-Atlantic travel used to be – the RMS Queen Elizabeth of 1948 Top Liner 1948 [iframe: title=”YouTube video player” width=”480″ height=”390″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen] … Continue reading
The restored South Street Seaport, on New York’s City’s East River, has always been an uneasy balance between a historic seaport and a real estate deal. South Street is now far more shopping mall than historic seaport. The current museum … Continue reading
One of my favorite blogs is Will van Dorp’s Tugster : a water blog – part shipspotting, part anthropology and part wry commentary on life and the universe, Will and his omnipresent camera do a great job covering New York’s “six borough.” … Continue reading
Four Americans on the S/V Quest were seized by pirates this afternoon 240 nautical miles off the coast of Oman in the Indian Ocean. Jean and Scott Adam, owners of the S/V Quest, have been sailing around the world … Continue reading
Last week the Danish warship Esbern Snare captured a hijacked fishing vessel and freed two Yemeni hostages. In addition to 16 pirates aboard the ship, the Danes found rocket launchers, assault rifles, ammunition, large quantities of fuel and two skiffs. … Continue reading
Yesterday, Japan announced that due to concerns for safety they had suspended their whale hunt, as of February 10th. The Sea Shepherds claim that the Japanese are bluffing. Perhaps Watson and his band of bumbling vigilante pirates are concerned over their “reality” TV … Continue reading
Recently the New York Times on its “Answers to Readers’ Questions About New York” blog was asked, “Can you tell me anything about a Hudson River pirate named Sadie the Goat?” Sadie’s tale is worth retelling, whether or not she ever … Continue reading
According to a study published in the February issue of BioScience, 85% percent of the world’s native oyster reefs have been destroyed. Oyster Apocalypse? Truth About Bivalve Obliteration Three-quarters of the wild oysters left in the world, the study says, now … Continue reading
Last November we posted about a plan by Finnish authorities to allow one or several modern breweries to replicate the recipe of beer found in a Baltic Sea shipwreck dated between 1800 to 1830. In addition to cases of champagne, the … Continue reading