Wreck of Perry’s USS Revenge reported found on 200th anniversary

Two hundred years ago today the USS Revenge, under the command of  Oliver Hazard Perry, sank in the waters off  Rhode Island.   On Friday, divers, Charles Buffum, Mike Fournier and Craig Harger, announced that they believe that they have  located the wreck.   In … Continue reading

Death on the Volendam in Lyttelton Harbour – crew member killed in lifeboat accident

Update: While originally reported that two crew members were knocked overboard during “a lifeboat training exercise,” it is now being reported that the sailors were performing lifeboat maintenance. The commenter (below) reports that both men were wearing safety harnesses which … Continue reading

Cruise Industry Changes – Boston Sets Record, Philly Pulling Out, and Cruises Returning to Cuba

The cruise industry continues to change.  While Boston reported a record number of cruise passengers traveling through its cruise terminal in 2010, the city of Philadelphia is planning on turning its cruise terminal into an an Urban Outfitters retail store, having only two cruise ships scheduled to call … Continue reading

Sea Shepherds Hurt Efforts to Reduce Whaling – WikiLeaks

Rather than pressuring the Japanese to stop whaling, the vigilante violence of the Sea Shepherds made it more difficult for Japanese diplomats  to compromise in negotiations to reduce whaling according to documents released by WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks releases documents about anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd … Continue reading

Captain Owen Honors relieved of duty on USS Enterprise

The “Support Captain Owen Honors – USS Enterprise” Facebook page has over 11,000 supporters.   Admiral John C. Harvey is not one of them.  This afternoon,  Admiral Harvey relieved Captain Honors of his command. Enterprise captain out; former Ike skipper … Continue reading

Beginning the New Year – A Sinking, Pirate Hijacking, Round the World Race and Smoke-Free Subs

Today is the first day back to work for many after a bit of time off for the holidays. And how has the New Year begun?   More or less the same as the last year which just ended.  On … Continue reading

XO Movie Night on USS Enterprise – a bad idea

It is difficult to imagine how anyone thought that this was a good idea.  The XO (Executive Officer) on the nuclear powered aircraft carrier USS Enterprise made a series of videos to “entertain the crew.”  They were a bit on the raunchy side, involving … Continue reading

Happy New Year – New York & Key West Style: Crystal Ball, Conch Shell, Pirate Wench & Drag Queen

In New York City tonight, just on the other side of the Hudson River from where I am now typing, roughly one million people gather  in Times Square to watch a crystal ball being dropped on exactly midnight to celebrate the … Continue reading