Update: The Fourth Plinth – Pirates, Painting & Pole Dancing

In July we posted about the exhibition of Yinka Shonibare’s Nelson’s Ship in a Bottle on the Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square.  There was an interesting symmetry in the display of Nelson’s ship, Victory, in a bottle, on a plinth, in … Continue reading

Les Voiles de Saint-Tropez – Bidding Summer Adieu

Saint-Tropez Races Bid Summer Adieu According to legend, a bet in 1981 between two yachtsmen at a fashionable Saint-Tropez restaurant led to a race between Pride, an American-owned Swan 44 sailboat and Ikra, a French-owned International 12-meter rival. On Sunday, … Continue reading

The Leaving of Liverpool

“The Leaving of Liverpool” is a wonderful sea song,  capturing both the promise of a new voyage and the sadness of leaving loved ones behind.   It was “collected” by William Main Doerflinger in 1951 from Dick Maitland, an old sailor at New York’s … Continue reading

Lobster Hot Line Hotter Than Expected

To provide information about a new Canadian lobster industry financial stimulus program,  Canada’s department of fisheries set up a “hot line” which proved somewhat hotter than expected.  Instead of hearing information on lobstering, callers were greeted with a woman’s voice saying,  “Hey there, hot stuff, … Continue reading

Submarines Lost and Found, Part 4 – Russian WWI Sub Gepard May Be Found

As reported by the Stockholm News – WW1 Russian submarine found The submarine wreck was discovered by a research ship of the Swedish Maritime Administration the 10 September. A closer study with a radio-controlled underwater vessel indicate that the submarine … Continue reading

Unexpected Whale Watching in New York Harbor

This morning while sailing on the schooner Pioneer in Upper New York Harbor, we were all surprised when the captain shouted “whale”.    There, close aboard to starboard, the back and dorsal fin of a whale rose and then disappeared beneath the surface of the harbor. The … Continue reading

Archeology Weekend at Lake Champlain Maritime Museum

The Lake Champlain Maritime Museum is hosting an Archeology Weekend tomorrow and Sunday. it will include  presentations on Lake Champlain shipwrecks and feature some of their latest explorations including early steamboats, gunboats, sailing vessels and canal boats. There will be special demonstrations in … Continue reading