Crowley’s eWolf — First Fully Electric US Tugboat

Crowley Maritime Corporation has announced that it will build and operate eWolf, the first all-electric powered harbor tugboat in the United States. The electric ship assist and escort tug will be 200 GRT, 82 feet long, with a main propulsion … Continue reading

Under Pressure, Italy Bans Large Cruise Ships from Venice Lagoon

The Italian government is banning large cruise ships from calling on the Venice lagoon after declaring the lagoon a national monument. Italy had come under pressure from Unesco, the UN’s heritage agency, that threatened to put Venice on its endangered … Continue reading

Rowing Records Shattered in the Great Pacific Race

The fourth rowing of the Great Pacific Race has shattered transPacific records. The race departed from the Golden Gate Bridge on May 30, bound for Honolulu. The teams are competing in identical boats, rowing entirely self-supported and unassisted across 2,400 miles … Continue reading

La Merced — 104 Year Old Four-Masted Schooner Now Forested Breakwater

Last September, we posted about the wreck of the steam collier SS Ayrfield, abandoned in Homebush Bay, near Sydney, Australia, before it could be scrapped, that has now been taken over by a mangrove forest.  A reader pointed out a similar … Continue reading

The Rail Gun is Dead, Hypersonic Missiles Latest High Tech Weapon For Navy Ships

For more than a decade the Navy has labored to develop a workable rail gun, a futuristic weapon that fires projectiles at up to seven times the speed of sound using electricity. It failed.  The Washington Post quotes Matthew Caris, … Continue reading

Little Enthusiasm for Proposed UK Flagship, Even the Royals Don’t Like It

Last month, we posted that UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced the construction of a new national flagship intended to promote British businesses around the world. So far the proposal to replace the royal yacht Britannia, has been greeted … Continue reading

Captain Bill Pinkney Inducted Into National Sailing Hall of Fame

Congratulations to Captain William D. “Bill” Pinkney, who has been inducted into the National Sailing Hall of Fame with a Lifetime Achievement Award as an “Enthusiastic Trend Setter.” Captain Pinkney was the first African American to solo-circumnavigate the world via … Continue reading

Update: Container Ship Ever Given Cleared to Sail From Suez Canal

Reuters is reporting that an Egyptian court has lifted the detention order on the Ever Given container ship, allowing its expected release from the Suez Canal on Wednesday, according to a lawyer and judicial sources. The Ever Given’s owners and … Continue reading

Happy 4th of July – A Toast to Madeira, the Wine of the Declaration of Independence and the Liberty Riots

An updated repost from several years ago, still fitting for the day. Happy 4th of July!  Those of us in the United States celebrate the anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4th 1776. Immediately after declaring independence from Great Britain, the representatives in the … Continue reading

HMS Diamond Rock, the First “Stone Frigate”

As an American reading British Royal Navy history, I will admit to being initially confused, more than once, by “stone frigates“, naval establishments on land named as ships. HMS Collingwood, for example, is a stone frigate (shore establishment) of the … Continue reading

Update: Golden Ray Salvors Consider Using Explosives to Cut Steel

The salvors attempting to cut up the shipwreck of the car-carrier Golden Ray have run into new problems. For the last seven months, the salvors have attempted to cut the ship up using a heavy-lift catamaran VB-10,000, nicknamed the “Golden … Continue reading