Pride’s Capt. Jan Miles and “Coffee with the Captain”

We have been remiss in not posting about “Coffee with the Captain,” the wonderful Facebook video blog hosted by the highly respected schooner skipper Captain Jan Miles of the Pride of Baltimore II.  The series began last April and is … Continue reading

Spanish Navy To Build New Rescue Ship for Submarines, Planes & Shipwrecks

Spain’s new S-80 submarines, under construction, will be able to operate at depths of at least 350 meters. If one gets into trouble, however, the Spanish Navy’s only ship set up for rescue and recovery can only hold its position … Continue reading

Tristan da Cunha Creates Largest Marine Sanctuary in the Atlantic

Tristan Da Cuhna is one of the most remote inhabited islands in the world. The government of the island is now creating the fourth largest completely protected marine area in the world and the largest in the Atlantic. Fishing and … Continue reading

Vendee Globe Race 2020-2021 : Largest Fleet, More Female Skippers, and a Competing Couple

The 2020-2021 Vendee Globe Race set off last Sunday from Les Sables-d’Olonne, France. The 24,000 nautical miles race, sailed every four years, is billed as the world’s greatest singlehanded, non-stop, yacht race. Notwithstanding the impact of the global pandemic, this … Continue reading

On Armistice Day, the German Sailors’ Mutinies That Brought Down the Kaiser

In the US, today is Veteran’s Day, when we honor those who have served in the military.  It coincides with Armistice Day, the anniversary of the signing of the armistice which ended World War I, on the 11th hour of the 11th day, … Continue reading

First Black Female Naval Academy Brigade Commander and First Navy Fighter Pilot

Two recent firsts in the US Navy. Congratulations to Midshipman 1st Class Sydney Barber who has been awarded the position of brigade commander next semester at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis. Brigade commander is the highest leadership position within the … Continue reading

Constitution Grove — the Navy’s White Oak Forest on a High Tech Base

The Royal Navy Admiral Collingwood would famously slip a handful of acorns into his pockets before taking a walk in the woods near his home. He would press an acorn into the soil whenever he saw a good place for … Continue reading

Kayakers Get Between Lunge Feeding Humpback Whale & Lunch

Recently, two kayakers off California inadvertently got between a lunge feeding humpback whale and its lunch. Videos of the encounter show the whale surfacing between the yellow kayak, almost appearing to swallow the kayakers and their boat. Fortunately, neither the … Continue reading