“Freakishly Warm” Gulf Waters May Contribute to Severe Spring Weather & Hurricanes

As if a pandemic is not enough to worry about, the effects of climate change appear to be delivering some particularly nasty weather this year. The waters of the Gulf of Mexico have been described as being abnormally warm, freakishly … Continue reading

Virtual Shanty/Chantey Sing, Part 1 — South Street Seaport

New York’s South Street Seaport Museum‘s monthly Chantey Sing is returning virtually, this Sunday, May 3rd from 2-4pm. From the Seaport announcement: From our living rooms and kitchens, and even from the deck of Wavertree, join our round-robin of shared … Continue reading

USS Kidd Diverts to San Diego with Coronavirus Outbreak, Over A Quarter Test Positive

USS Kidd, an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer, was diverted to San Diego following a shipboard outbreak of the coronavirus. The ship had been deployed off South America on an anti-drug-trafficking mission when the outbreak occurred. So far, 64 of the crew … Continue reading

Navy Recommends Reinstating Fired Roosevelt Captain

Yesterday, senior Navy officials recommended that Captain Brett Crozier be reinstated as commander of the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt. Captain Crozier was fired after a letter expressing concern about the health and safety of his crew in a shipboard … Continue reading

USS Roosevelt Update: Over 700 Infected, Sailors Test Positive Despite Isolation

The plan was to start moving sailors who had completed a 14-day coronavirus quarantine back on the carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt beginning this Saturday. Politico reports that that plan has been delayed after a number of sailors tested positive for … Continue reading

The Almost Carrier, USS America, Steams Toward South China Sea

The UK Daily Mail’s headline, as shown on Google, read “USS America aircraft carrier steams to intercept Chinese ships…” The story behind the headline is that the USS America and the guided-missile destroyer USS Bunker Hill are being deployed to intercept … Continue reading