Clinton J. Pearson, a pioneer in building fiberglass yachts, passed away on April 4, 2020, at the age of 91. With his cousin, Everett Pearson, Clinton began building fiberglass dinghies in their garage in Seekonk, MA in 1955. The venture … Continue reading
Category Archives: Lore of the Sea
We have been following the spread of the coronavirus on the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt, where almost 600 sailors, including the captain, who was fired for speaking out about the spread, have tested positive for the virus. One crew … Continue reading
On March 1st, the 72′ scallop fishing vessel Ocean Pursuit came ashore on Bodie Island, part of the Cape Hatteras National Seashore, on North Carolina’s Outer Banks. Since then the boat has been settling into the sand as well as … Continue reading
The coronavirus was spreading out of control on the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt, docked in Guam. Captain Brett Crozier pleaded with his superiors to evacuate most of the sailors from the ship to try to stem the infection. On … Continue reading
Last Thursday, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) extended its “No Sail Order” for cruise ships calling on the United States. The CDC announced that “this Order shall continue in operation until the earliest of three situations. First, the expiration … Continue reading
Since April 5, the U.S. Navy has required fabric face coverings for all service members and civilians where social distancing isn’t possible, such as in the cramped quarters aboard an aircraft carrier or other Navy ship. While they required face … Continue reading
In late March, there were reports of three cases of coronavirus on the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt. The number quickly grew to dozens and the ship was diverted to Guam. Now, the testing of sailors aboard the Roosevelt is … Continue reading
A group of maritime organizations is raising money to provide much-needed emergency funding for developing world seafarers. From their Crowdfunder page: While much of the shipping industry take their responsibilities to their seafarers very seriously there is still a real … Continue reading
The maritime community has lost a great friend, shipmate, and leader in the passing of Howard Slotnick. A treasurer and chairman emeritus of National Maritime Historical Society, he served on the Coast Guard Foundation board and was an advisor to … Continue reading
And now, for something completely different. While Chicago’s Shedd Aquarium has been closed to visitors, the aquarium has allowed its penguins to take ‘field trips’ inside the facility. Here is a short video of Wellington, a rockhopper penguin, coming face … Continue reading
Update: Thomas B. Modly has offered his resignation. When the Acting Secretary of the Navy Thomas B. Modly traveled to Guam on Sunday to speak to the sailors on the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt, he needed to deliver a … Continue reading
To change the topic, for a day at least, here is a well done short video by the Nature Conservancy about the return of the lowly menhaden, which they call the most important fish in the sea. Menhaden are an … Continue reading
Given the complete debacle of the current administration’s response to the coronavirus, one might hope that our military might be better capable of reacting to the crisis. So far, the US Navy, at least, has demonstrated only how ill-prepared it … Continue reading
The incident took place in the early hours of Mar. 30, 2020, but the cruise ship operator only released an official statement on April 1st. It could almost be taken for an April Fool’s joke. It wasn’t. The Portuguese flag … Continue reading
Sailors on the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt cheered for Captain Brett Crozier as he departed the ship in Guam. Captain Crozier was removed from duty by the Navy after he raised concerns about the spreading coronavirus on his ship … Continue reading
Grasping at any excuse to stop thinking about the pandemic, for Throw-back Thursday, here is an updated repost from several years ago about an almost magical ghost ship. What should a ghost ship be made of? Why not water, wind, … Continue reading
Sadly, this is not an April Fools joke. The Mystic Seaport Museum is another casualty of Covid-19, at least for the duration of the pandemic. The Hartford Courant reports that as of today the museum is closing indefinitely and laying … Continue reading
The brig Pilgrim, a replica of the ship immortalized in Richard Henry Dana’s 1840 memoir, Two Years Before the Mast, sank at the dock over the weekend in Dana Point, CA. The replica brig, owned by the Ocean Institute has served … Continue reading
When particularly interesting ships arrive in New York harbor, I like to go down the waterfront, as time permits, to see them in. This morning was chilly and overcast and in the spirit of social distancing, I watched the arrival … Continue reading
The Navy hospital ship USNS Comfort is currently steaming north toward New York harbor to help support the city hospital system during the coronavirus crisis. The ship will dock at a newly dredged berth at Pier 90 on the Hudson … Continue reading