The 8,850 Kilometer Great Atlantic Sargassum Belt — From the Gulf to West Africa

Floating mats of Sargassum seaweed in the center of the North Atlantic were first reported by Christopher Columbus in the 15th century. These mats, although abundant, have, until recently, been limited and scattered.  In recent years that has changed dramatically. … Continue reading

Update: Who Owns MSC Gayane? Does it Matter?

Recently, we posted about the MSC Gayane, the container ship seized on Monday by US Customs following a $1.3 billion cocaine bust last month in Philadelphia. We said that the ship was not owned by Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) but by … Continue reading

Mary Day Wins 43rd Annual Great Schooner Race

On July 5, in a very close race, the schooner Mary Day won the 43rd Annual Great Schooner Race.  Fourteen schooners sailed in Penobscot Bay from Gilkey Harbor in Islesboro to the finish line at the Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse in the … Continue reading

Container Ship MSC Gayane Seized by Feds Following $1.3 B Cocaine Bust

Yesterday, US Customs seized the 9,962 TEU container ship MSC Gayane.  The MSC Gayane was the ship on which 18,000 kilograms of cocaine, worth an estimated $1.3 billion, was seized by Federal agents while at the dock in the Port … Continue reading

Yeast from the Sydney Cove –World’s Oldest Beer Brought Back to Life?

The yeast from a 220-year-old bottle of beer found in a shipwreck off the coast of Tasmania has been used to brew what is being described as the “world’s oldest surviving beer.” This is similar to the claims made for … Continue reading

Joseph Hewes – First “Secretary of the Navy” and Signer of the Declaration of Independence

Happy 4th of July to all.  Here is lightly updated repost appropriate for the day. On July 4th, Americans celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain in 1776.  Joseph Hewes was one of the lesser-known signatories … Continue reading

Update: Norwegian Frigate Helge Ingstad Too Expensive to Repair

Last November, the Norwegian navy frigate, KNM Helge Ingstad, was returning from NATO exercises when it mistook the Maltese flag, Aframax tanker, Sola TS, for an object onshore in the Hjeltefjord near Bergen, Norway. The subsequent collision did minor damage to the … Continue reading

Who Needs a Wall? East Coast Port Cocaine Container Busts Setting Records

Anyone who thinks that a Southern border wall will stop cocaine trafficking into this country has not been paying at attention to the news. Cocaine seizures from container ships have been setting records in ports along the East Coast for … Continue reading

Cargo Ship Kwai Collects 40 Tons of Ghost Nets from Pacific Garbage Patch

The sailing auxiliary cargo ship Kwai arrived in Hawaii recently.  The ship usually sails a regular route carrying cargo and passengers between Hawaii and the islands of Kiritimati (Christmas Island), Tabuaeran (Fanning) and Teraina, (Washington Island) as well as the … Continue reading