A Wealth of Overlapping Tall Ships and Harbor Festivals In New London, Newport, Providence and New Bedford

To say that this will be a busy weekend on the New England waterfront may be an understatement. Following the 4th of July festivities in Boston, OpSail 2012 CT starts today in New London, CT, with an impressive fleet of ships.  Only about 50 … Continue reading

FLIP Turns 50 ! Navy’s Floating Instrument Platform One Half Century Old

The Navy’s Floating Instrument Platform, better known as FLIP, went into service fifty years ago, in 1962.  The 355-foot research vessel is capable of operating horizontally as a conventional, if somewhat odd-looking, ship. When on station, however, it “flips” vertically 90 degrees and becomes the … Continue reading

Happy 4th of July – A Toast to Madeira, the Wine of the Declaration of Independence and the Liberty Riots

Happy 4th of July!  Those of us in the United States celebrate the anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4th 1776.   Immediately after declaring independence from Great Britain, the representatives in the Continental Congress drank a toast with glasses of Madeira wine. Why Madiera?  It … Continue reading

“Old Ironsides” – 1950’s Newsreel about USS Constitution

We recently posted about OpSail 2012 and Boston’s weeklong celebration of  the USS Constitution and the bicentennial of the War of 1812.  The USS Constitution, nicknamed “Old Ironsides” after British round shot bounced off her oak planks, is the world’s … Continue reading

Report: Black Box Not Functioning, Watertight Doors Open When Costa Concordia Hit the Rocks

Extremely disturbing news coming out of Italy regarding the Costa Concordia, which ran aground and sank off the island of Giglio on January 13, 2012 with the deaths of at least 30 passengers. If the reports prove to be true, the ship was sailing with open watertight … Continue reading

The Return of Commercial Sail? Dyna-Rig Design in the News

Arthur Sewall, a shipbuilder, shipowner and industrialist from Bath Maine, is quoted near the turn of the 20th century, saying, “As long as the wind blows and water flows there will be sailing ships built and business to keep them … Continue reading

Knock, Knock – the Media and the Mystery of the Missing Stowaways on the Ville D’Aquarius

The story began around 3AM Wednesday morning, when a US Coast Guard boarding team, conducting a random sweep on the container ship Ville D’Aquarius, near Sandy Hook, just outside New York harbor, heard a knocking sound which appeared to be coming from somewhere in the ship’s … Continue reading

Update: PT-728, World War II Patrol Torpedo Boat, Bound for New Home in Port Clinton, Ohio

Last April, we posted that PT-728, a World War II Patrol Torpedo boat, was listed as for sale in the Hammacher Schlemmer catalog.   The vintage PT boat has now been purchased by the newly opened Liberty Aviation Museum in Port Clinton … Continue reading

Second Refugee Boat Bound for Christmas Island Capsizes, Merchant Ships Rescue 136

A  boat loaded with asylum seekers has capsized in Indonesian waters about 107 nautical miles north of Australia’s Christmas Island. The boat is reported to have had 150 passengers and crew aboard.  CNN is reporting that 136 have been rescued by two merchants ships. … Continue reading

OpSail Boston 2012 – June 30th to July 5th : Celebrating the USS Constitution and the War of 1812 Bicentennial

Beginning this Saturday, Boston Harbor will once again be filled with tall masts and square sails.  OpSail Boston 2012 is celebrating the USS Constitution and the bicentennial of the War of 1812.  The USS Constitution, nicknamed “Old Ironsides” after British round shot bounced off her oak planks, … Continue reading

Update: MV Alaed, Re-flagged and Ready to Sail to Syria with Helicopter Gunships

Last week, we posted about the MV Alaed, a 9,000 DWT geared cargo ship, reported to be carrying refurbished Russian attack helicopters bound for Syria. The ship, sailing under the Curacao flag, was turned aback after the cancellation of its P&I … Continue reading

Sea Orbiter – A New Generation of Ocean Explorer

The Sea Orbiter concept design looks like something straight out of science fiction.  Floating half above and half below the surface of the water, it appears to be more like a scimitar-shaped inter-galactic spaceship than any sort of  oceanographic research vessel. Fifty eight meters … Continue reading

Fourth Annual North River Historic Ship Festival June 28-July 1, Hudson River Park Pier 25

If you are anywhere near New York City next week, the Fourth Annual North River Historic Ship Festival looks like lots of fun.  Hosted by the North River Historic Ship Society, the festival commences Thursday night, June 28th, with an opening party … Continue reading

Asylum Seekers Boat Capsizes North of Australia’s Christmas Island – 200 Believed Aboard

With a sad familiarity, another overloaded boat, filled with desperate asylum seekers trying to reach Australia’s Christmas Island, has capsized in Indonesian waters. Up to 200 people are believed to have been aboard the vessel when it capsized.  Indonesia’s search and rescue authority … Continue reading

New Hornblower Hybrid In New York Harbor – Powered by Diesel, Wind, Solar and Fuel Cells

In December of 2010, we posted about a new vessel under construction at Derecktor Shipyards for Hornblower New York. It was to be a hybrid excursion boat powered by diesel engines, as well as by solar and wind power and by hydrogen fuel … Continue reading

MV Alaed, Russian Ship Carrying Arms for Syria, Makes a U-Turn & Heads Back to Russia

The MV Alaed, a 9,00 DWT geared cargo ship, was reported to be carrying refurbished Russian attack helicopters, as well as missiles and other unspecified munitions, on a voyage from Russia to Syria.  Today, about 50 miles (80.4km) off Scotland’s north coast, the ship turned around … Continue reading