Update: MV Rena – Cover-up Revealed and Jail Time for Captain and Second Officer

On October 5, 2011, the containership MV Rena ran aground on Astrolabe Reef off Tauranga, resulting in one of the worst maritime environmental disasters in New Zealand history.  Yesterday, in a New Zealand court, the captain, Mauro Balomaga, and second officer, Leonil Relon, were … Continue reading

The “Gresham Ship’’ – Elizabethan Shipwreck on the Move

Shipwrecks tend to be pretty stationary. They are not prone to wandering about.  Now, however, an Elizabethan shipwreck dating from 1574, which was recovered from the River Thames in 2003, is on the move.  The remains of  the 16th-century “Gresham … Continue reading

Greenport Tall Ships Challenge 2012 – Memorial Day Weekend

New York harbor is not the only port on the North-Eastern coast of the United States with a wealth of tall ships over Memorial Day Weekend.  Greenport, New York  is hosting the Greenport Tallships Challenge 2012.   Greenport, on the … Continue reading

Fire on Nuclear Submarine USS Miami in Maine Shipyard

Crew responded to a fire on the nuclear submarine, USS Miami,  at around 5:40 PM last night at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Kittery, Maine.  This morning, the Navy reports that the fire has been put put. Three shipyard firefighters, two civilian firefighters … Continue reading

The Seven Deadly Seas and Dead Upon a Wind – Pirate Burlesque Returns to New York on the Barquentine Gazela

On Wednesday, Philadelphia’s tall ship, the 112+ year old barquentine Gazela, will be among the seventeen tall ships in the “Parade of Sail” on the Hudson River. Once again, however, the Gazela will bringing more than just history and grace … Continue reading

Video of Proposed Costa Concordia Salvage

Last Friday we posted about a presentation made by the Titan-Micoperi consortium detailing their plans to salvage the Costa Concordia from the where she sank on January 13th off the island of Giglio, Italy.  The plan is to build an underwater platform onto which the ship … Continue reading

AMVER Rescue of Finnish Sailors on Sailboat Kamu by the Stolt Invention

We consider AMVER to be one of the true “unsung heroes” of the maritime world.  AMVER is the “Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue” system run by the US Coast Guard.  Established in 1958, it is a computer-based voluntary global ship reporting system used worldwide … Continue reading

Bulk Carrier ID Integrity Adrift Off Australia’s Great Barrier Reef – Passes Over Shark Reef

Update: The first tug has reached the ID Integrity. As reported by vesseltracker.com: The commercial tug “PT Kotor” rendezvoused with the “ID Integrity” on May 20 at approximately 10:30am AEST. At 11:30am AMSA was advised that the tug had connected a towline … Continue reading

The Little Ships of England – 1943

The intheboatshed.net blog recently featured a wonderful short video, The Little Ships of England, produced in 1943, highlighting wooden boat building in England during  World War II. The Little Ships of England [iframe: src=”http://player.vimeo.com/video/38928688?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=ffffff” width=”500″ height=”375″ frameborder=”0″ webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen] … Continue reading

Titan-Micoperi Presents Plan to Raise Costa Concordia

Representatives of Titan-Micoperi presented their plans to raise the Costa Concordia from where she sank after running aground off the island of Gilgio last January.  Titan-Micoperi is the consortium of Titan Salvage, the Crowley-owned specialist marine salvage company, and Italian marine contractor Micoperi, which … Continue reading

Collisions at Sea and Allisions in Port – Navy Ships Collide in the Pacifc & Stena Ferry Wrecks a Container Terminal

It has been a busy couple of days for ship collisions and allisions.  Yesterday, the USS Essex, a Wasp-class amphibious assault ship, collided with the USNS Yukon, a Navy Oiler, during underway replenishment operations about 120 miles off the coast of Southern California. In Poland, … Continue reading

Pirates Days on the Embarcadero in San Diego

Aargh. Once again, the junk food of maritime events, another “pirate” festival.  This one is being sponsored by one of my favorite museums, the Maritime Museum of San Diego — home to the 1863 iron windjammer, Star of India, the world’s oldest active … Continue reading

New Directions in the War on Piracy – EU Airstrike in Somalia and a Private Navy in the Gulf of Aden

In March, the European Union Naval Force was authorized to attack Somali pirates in coastal waters and ashore. On Tuesday, EU naval forces and attack helicopters launched their first onshore raid on a suspected pirate supply center in Handulle village, about 18 kilometers (11 … Continue reading