Dream Symphony and the Fusion Schooners: Modern High-Tech Wooden Shipbuilding

Yesterday, we looked at the Bugis phisini, a modern sailing ship built using traditional wood ship building methods that date back a thousand years or so. Today, a look at the other end of spectrum – wood sailing ships that … Continue reading

Where the Age of Sail Never Ended – the Bugis Phinisi, an Appreciation

For centuries, the Bugis people have sailed from South Sulawesi across the shallow seas of the Indonesian archipelago. They would sail east and west on the monsoons, regularly trading as far as Northern Australia in their two masted ships, known … Continue reading

Britain Set to Introduce Sailing Ships to Counter Emissions, or Maybe Not

I love the headline in the article in Sail-World – Britain set to introduce sailing ships to counter emissions.  The first paragraph reads: It’s official. The days of sail may be just about to recommence. The UK’s Committee on Climate Change has come out with … Continue reading

Exploding Reefer Containers? 8,000 Boxes Serviced in Vietnam Believed at Risk

Two workers in Vietnam and one in Brazil have died recently in explosions of refrigerated containers.  Faulty coolant is believed to have caused the explosions.  The containers were among an estimated 8,000 reefer boxes serviced in 2011 in Vietnam. The explosions have caused worldwide concern and … Continue reading

Seventy Years Ago Today: The Sinking of the U.S.S. Reuben James – October 31, 1941

The first American Naval ship lost in World War II was not sunk in the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941.  Over a month before, on October 31, 1941, the destroyer USS Reuben James, escorting a convoy bound for Britain, was sunk … Continue reading

Update: MV Rena Salvage Ongoing, A Second Container Ship Runs Aground, HMAS Broome Averts Disaster

Attempts to pump out the residual fuel of from the MV Rena, stranded on Astrolabe Reef off New Zealand continue with mixed results.  New focus for Rena salvagers Today, a second container ship, the Schelder Trader, lost power and drifted onto … Continue reading

CHARLOTTE – A Wooden Boat Story

The Gannon & Benjamin Marine Railway, located on the island of Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, must be a pretty amazing place. In July of 2010, we reviewed Schooner – Building a Wooden Boat on Martha’s Vineyard, which was about building a schooner … Continue reading

Racing Square Riggers – Exy Johnson vs Irving Johnson

Last September we posted about The Great Brigantine Race of 2011 off Newport Beach, CA, between two identical 90′ brigantines, the Irving Johnson and the Exy Johnson .  Launched in 2002, they are part of the Los Angeles Maritime Institute’s “TopSail Youth Program,” a sail training … Continue reading

Lost Dutch World War II Sub Located off Borneo

The Dutch submarine Hr Ms KXVI was part of an Allied fleet attempting to stop the Japanese invasion of the Dutch East Indies, when it was sunk by a Japanese submarine on the day after Christmas, 1941. Since then the wreck of … Continue reading

70th Anniversary Celebration of the Charles W Morgan at Mystic Seaport

Sail the Morgan 2014 is hosting a week-long celebration of the arrival of the last American wooden whaleship, the Charles W. Morgan, in Mystic, Connecticut.  The celebration running from  “October 28 to November 5 will feature a restaurant week, shopping … Continue reading

Happy Trafalgar Day and the Anniversary of the Launching of “Old Ironsides”

Thanks to Maritime Great Britain for reminding us that today is indeed Trafalgar Day, commemorating Nelson’s victory over the French and Spanish fleets and his tragic death at the Battle of Trafalgar on this day in 1805. They also reminded us that on this day in … Continue reading

1,000 Year Old Viking Boat Burial Site Found in Scotland

Archaeologists from the University of Manchester have excavated the first known Viking ship burial on mainland Britain, believed to be roughly a 1,0000 years old. The boat burial site was found near Ockle on the Ardnamurchan peninsula, Scotland.   Archaeologist Dr Hannah Cobb said the “artefacts and preservation make … Continue reading