University of Hawaii Research Vessel, Ka’imikai-o-Kanaloa, Studies Japanese Radiation Leaks

The University of Hawaii research vessel, Ka’imikai-o-Kanaloa, set sail earlier this month to studying the impact of radiation releases in the waters off Japan’s crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. Scientists on UH research ship study impact of radiation releases … Continue reading

Collision between New York City Fireboats Firefighter II and 343

In  a lawsuit  a whistleblower is charging that New York City’s new $27 million Fireboat 343, named after the number of New York firefighters killed on 9/11, was damaged in a storm last winter when sideswiped by another fireboat, the Firefighter II, … Continue reading

1871 Schooner Showdown – Historic Schooners Lewis R. French and the Stephen Taber to Race June 17th

Both the schooners  Lewis R. French and the Stephen Taber were built in 1871.  To celebrate  their 140th birthdays, these grand old ladies will be racing from Camden to Rockland this Friday June 17 in an “1871 Schooner Showdown.” A race of two historic … Continue reading

MV AMET Majesty – a Cruise Ship, a Training Ship or Both?

Earlier this week, Union Shipping Minister G K Vasan officiated at a gathering on board the MV AMET Majesty, India’s first cruise liner.   The ship is also a training ship.  The acronym AMET  stands for “Academy of Maritime Education and Training.”  AMET University is operating … Continue reading

On the Trail of the Pirate Blackbeard and the Queen Anne’s Revenge

The wreck of the pirate Blackbeard‘s Queen Anne’s Revenge, which sank in 1718, was believed to be discovered in 1996.   After 15 years of excavation, the State of North Carolina and the North Carolina Maritime Museum announced today that they had confirmed that … Continue reading

And Then There were None – HMCS Corner Brook Accident Leaves Canada without Operational Subs

Canada’s hunter killer submarine, HMCS Corner Brook, limped back to base last weekend after running aground during a  training exercise in the waters of Nootka Sound off the central east coast of Vancouver Island.  The accident leaves Canada without an operational submarine.  Canada’s … Continue reading

Inside the Ghost Ships of the Mothball Fleet

Photographer Scott Haefner and a few of his friends snuck aboard ships in the Suisan Bay Reserve Fleet near San Francisco, CA and photographed and documented the rusting fleet.  Fascinating images.  The Mail Online ran an article today about his work.  For more images, see Haefner’s site: … Continue reading

Divers of the Lost Ark?

The Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Invincible was sold to Turkish scrappers last February. Now bids are open for the sale of  HMS Ark Royal. While scrapping seems a likely outcome the tender allows that “alternatively the vessel may be purchased for re-use/refurbishment for non-warlike purposes.” … Continue reading

APL ‘Cold-irons’ Ships in Oakland to Cut Pollution

Traditionally, ships in port use auxiliary generators to power shipboard electrical systems.   APL, the Singapore based container lines, is now going “cold-iron,” shutting down the  auxiliary  generators  on their ships docking when calling on Oakland, California and using shore power instead to meet the their … Continue reading

Day of the Seafarer – Nightmare on the Sahmo Dream

June 25th of this year is being celebrated as the “Day of the Seafarer.”  We will be joining with other bloggers and journalists from around the world to say “thank you” to the world’s 1.5 million seafarers for the invaluable and often overlooked contribution that … Continue reading

Halfway Around the World, Powered Only by the Sun – Solar Yacht Turanor Arrives in Brisbane

The 31-meter Turanor, a catamaran yacht fitted with 536 square meters of photovoltaic panels, has successfully sailed halfway around the world, from Monaco to Brisbane, Australia, powered solely by the sun.   The Turanor‘s captain and crew are half way toward … Continue reading

Raising the Anchor from Blackbeard’s Queen Anne’s Revenge

Until I saw the video I didn’t grasp just how large this anchor is.  It is believed to be from the pirate Blackbeard‘s flagship, the Queen Anne’s Revenge, which ran aground in 1718 while trying to enter Old Topsail Inlet in North Carolina, now known … Continue reading

The World’s Oldest Champagne Sells at Auction

Last  July we posted about divers finding intact bottles of champagne, believed to date from between 1782 and 1788, in the hold of a shipwreck on the Baltic seabed.   In November, a bottle of the “world’s oldest champagne” was opened and tasted by … Continue reading

A Flood of Arks? Ark Building Around the World

If a group of birds are a flock, a group of whales is a pod, and fish gather in schools, what would one call a group of Noah’s arks?  A fleet would be the easy answer, but that somehow doesn’t … Continue reading

“Don’t Give Up the Ship” – Thoughts on Sloganeering

On June 1, 1813, one hundred and ninety eight years ago today, the British frigate HMS Shannon defeated and captured the USS Chesapeake in single ship combat. Captain James  Lawrence on the Chesapeake was mortally wounded during the battle. His … Continue reading