Golden Arches, VB-10,000 Heavy-Lift Arrives to Begin Scrapping Golden Ray

Delayed for months by both hurricanes and the pandemic, Versabar’s heavy-lift catamaran VB-10,000, nicknamed the “Golden Arches,” arrived yesterday at St. Simons Island, GA to begin the scrapping of the wrecked car carrier, Golden Ray. The car carrier rolled on its … Continue reading

Collision With Container Ship Cuts Greek Minesweeper Kallisto in Half

The Greek Navy minesweeper HS Kallisto was cut in half following a collision with the containership Maersk Launceston. The stern of the minesweeper apparently sank following the collision while the bow was taken under tow by salvors. The minesweeper’s crew … Continue reading

Special Forces End Tanker “Hijacking” by Stowaways Off Isle of Wight

Seven people were detained after British special forces stormed the Liberian registered tanker, Nave Andromeda, that was suspected of having been hijacked off the Isle of Wight. The BBC reports that sixteen members of the Special Boat Service (SBS) ended … Continue reading

Celebrating Trafalgar Day and the Anniversary of the Launching of “Old Ironsides”

Two hundred and fifteen years ago today, in 1805, the Royal Navy, commanded by Vice-Admiral Horatio Nelson, defeated the combined French and Spanish fleets in the Atlantic off Cape Trafalgar.  The decisive victory ended French plans to use the combined … Continue reading

Rescue Underway on Remote South Atlantic Gough Island

A rescue is underway to save 62 seafarers stranded on Gough Island in the South Atlantic, one of the most remote islands in the world. The fishing/research vessel, Geo Searcher, is reported to have sunk after hitting rocks about a … Continue reading

Farewell to the Aurora Australis, AKA Orange Roughy

Australia’s only home-built icebreaker will soon leave their shores. The icebreaker Aurora Australis, affectionately nicknamed Orange Roughy, is ending her more than thirty-year career serving Australia. Launched at Carrington Slipways in New South Wales in 1989, the ship helped Australia … Continue reading

“Ghost Fleets” — US & China Prepare Drones For Sea

Both the US Navy and the Chinese Navy are working to develop “ghost fleets” of drone ships. The US Navy has been working on developing unmanned vessels since at least 2016. Four years ago, we posted about Sea Hunter, the … Continue reading

On MLK Day, Navy Officially Names Newest Carrier USS Doris Miller

Today, on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, the US Navy officially named the newest of the future Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carriers, not after a president, a senator, an admiral or a historic battlefield. Instead, they named the carrier after … Continue reading

One Hundred & One Years Ago Today — The Great Boston Molasses Flood of 1919

We are having a relatively warm January with significantly fluctuating temperatures. Similar weather conditions 101 years ago, coupled with a shoddily built storage tank, caused the Great Boston Molasses Flood, which inundated Boston’s North End sending a wall of molasses, … Continue reading

The Old Weather Project — Citizen-Scientists, Ship’s Logs, & Climate Change

One of the better ways to tell if a model works at predicting the future is to run it in reverse to see how well it predicts the past. Climate change models so far have had their limitations. Most current … Continue reading

Fiskardo Shipwreck — A 2,000 Year Old Container Ship

Good ideas are rarely new. Container ships revolutionized liner shipping in the 1960s and 70s. Nevertheless, the idea of carrying cargo in easily handled standardized containers goes back at least 2,000 years. I was reminded of this when reading about … Continue reading

Update: Liberty Ship John W. Brown May Find Home at Yard Where it Was Built

As we have previously posted, the restored Liberty ship, John W. Brown, was at risk of becoming homeless when its five-year agreement for berthing at Rukert Terminals’ Pier C in Canton, Maryland expired last September. Now, if all goes well, … Continue reading