Bay City Tall Ship Celebration 2016

Bay City Michigan kicked off its sixth Tall Ship Celebration yesterday, featuring a diverse mix of historic ships and replicas, including the U.S. Brig Niagara; the replica galleon El Galeon Andalucia; the replica Viking longship Draken Harald Hårfagre;  the brigantines Pathfinder and Playfair; and the … Continue reading

Draken Harald Hårfagre May Be Forced From Tall Ships Challenge by Fees

The Norwegian Viking ship Draken Harald Hårfagre has successfully weathered the seas of the Atlantic Ocean only to be turned back by exorbitant pilotage fees in the Great Lakes and the St Lawrence Seaway. Unless changes are made, pilotage fees … Continue reading

Bluenose II Begins Sailing Season, Questions Continue

The Bluenose II is now several weeks into her summer sailing season. Setting sail from Lunenburg, NS, she carries a professional crew of six and 12 young people, recruited from around the province and across Canada. This summer, the replica fishing/racing schooner will sail … Continue reading

Update: US Navy Disciplines 9 in Riverine Squadron After Iranian Incident

Last January we posted about two US Navy Riverine Command Boats (RCBs) with a combined crew of ten sailors which were apprehended by Iranian Revolutionary Guard boats in the Gulf. One or both of the RCBs had suffered a mechanical … Continue reading

A Song for a Sunday Morning — Tom Munch Sings We Build the Ships

Singer/songwriter Tom Munch plays his original song about the last great historic wooden schooners of Maine in the early 20th century. The photos are historic shots of the Wyoming and other ships built at Percy and Small shipyard in Bath, Maine … Continue reading

The Legacy of the Sailor Poet Gorch Foch, Killed in the Battle of Jutland

Johann Wilhelm Kinau was one of the more than 8,000 sailors who died in the Battle of Jutland just over 100 years ago. Kinau was 36 when he was killed while serving as a lookout on the German light cruiser … Continue reading

Congratulations to the Schooner Spirit of South Carolina and All Who Sail Her!

Congratulations to the schooner Spirit of South Carolina and all who sail and support her! After languishing for years, the schooner has new owners, a new captain and officers and was recently re-certified to carry passengers by the US Coast … Continue reading

A Closer Look at the America 2.0 — Replica, Hybrid or High-Tech Schooner?

Classic Harbor Line‘s schooner America 2.0 is a fascinating design. Designed and built by the Scarano brothers and delivered in 2011, the boat is, notionally, a replica of the schooner yacht America of 1851, after which the famous America’s Cup was … Continue reading