Alex Thomson — What Does It Take to Sail Around the World Solo

More than 4,000 people have climbed Mount Everest. More than 600 people have been in outer space. Yet fewer than 100 people have sailed solo non-stop around the world.

What does it take to race around the globe alone? Skill, obviously. Physical strength, absolutely. Mental stamina, however, may be the most difficult part of the voyage. In the video below Alex Thomson describes the techniques he uses to stay focused in racing around the world in the Vendee Globe. Fascinating and useful even for those of who do not race at 40 knots across the Southern Ocean. 

What It Takes To Sail Around The World Solo

Remembering Alex Storm, Canadian Treasure Hunter

Alex Storm, right, with his son Jason Storm, Photo: THE CANADIAN PRESS/HO – Jason Storm

Alex Storm, a Canadian treasure hunter who discovered two valuable 18th-century shipwrecks off the shores of Nova Scotia, died last month at the age of 80.  

In 1965, Storm and two associates discovered the wreck of Le Chameau, a French Navy ship which went down off the Fortress of Louisbourg in a storm in 1725 with the loss of more than 300 lives. The ship, bound for Quebec, then still part of French Canada, was also carrying money to pay for the French garrisons and other colonial expenses. Storm and his group recovered 7,861 silver coins and 878 gold Louis d’or from the wreck site. The discovery was the largest find in Canadian history.

In 1968, Storm located the remains of HMS Feversham, a British warship, part of a fleet sent to attack Quebec, which was shipwrecked in 1711, with the loss of 102 lives.

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Rotor Sail Testing Begins on Product Tanker Maersk Pelican

Testing has begun on the recently installed rotor sails on the MV Maersk Pelican. The two large cylinders installed on the deck of the 110,000 DWT Long Range 2 product tanker may not look much like sails but may represent the future of sail assist technology in commercial shipping. The 30 meter tall and 5 meter in diameter rotors, the world’s largest, are a modern version of the Flettner rotor developed in the 1920s. When the rotors are spun in a wind, they develop lift which can be used to propel a ship or to reduce the fuel consumed by the main engines. The rotor sails on the Maersk Pelican are expected to reduce fuel consumption by 7 to 10% on average.

The rotor sails were provided by Norsepower Oy Ltd.,  working with project partners Maersk Tankers, Energy Technologies Institute (ETI) and Shell Shipping & Maritime.

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Tall Ship Oliver Hazard Perry Pausing for a Reset

Oliver Hazard Perry Rhode Island  (OHPRI), the non-profit organization behind Rhode Island’s Official Tall Ship SSVOliver Hazard Perry, has announced a pause in operations to rethink its strategy for the ship’s financial sustainability.  

The 200-foot three-masted sailing school vessel, which was seven years and $12 million in the making when she embarked on her maiden sail in 2015, will not journey south next Spring as it has done the past two years but instead remain in Rhode Island at a soon-to-be-announced location.

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26th Annual Great North River Tugboat Race & Competition This Sunday

Photo: Will Van Dorp

If you are near New York harbor this Sunday, swing by Manhattan’s Pier 84 (at W. 44th St.) on the Hudson River to catch the 26th Annual Great North River Tugboat Race and Competition, sponsored by the Working Harbor Committee. More than 15 tugboats are expected to participate. The festivities begin with a Parade of Tugs, near Pier 84, followed by a race, which runs from W. 70th St to Pier 84.  Following the race, there will be nose-to-nose tug pushing contests, and a line-throwing competition by tugboat crew members. There will also be a Popeye-inspired spinach-eating contest, a tattoo tournament, and an awards ceremony.

There are two ways to see the race — watch from around Pier 84, or watch the race, up close and personal from a Circle Line Spectator Boat. Pick up the Spectator Boat from Pier 83, West 43rd Street and Hudson River Park. Boarding begins at 10:15am. The trip lasts will be onboard from 10:30am to 12:30pm. Tickets are $25 for adults, $20 for seniors, and $12 for children 3-12. Click here to buy tickets or to learn more.

The Big Oyster in the Big Apple — the Biggest Oyster in 100 Years

Photo: The River Project

A diver repairing Pier 40 on the Hudson River in Manhattan recently pried loose a large oyster. At 8.66 inches long and weighing in at close to two pounds, it is believed to be the largest oyster found in New York Harbor in around 100 years.

Oysters once filled New York harbor. When Henry Hudson arrived in 1609, there were some 350 square miles of oyster reefs in the New York waters, containing nearly half of the world’s oyster population. In the 19th century, New Yorkers ate roughly a million oysters every day. Oysters shells were used to pave roads and crushed into a paste for building mortar. 

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On Labor Day — When Sailors Struck the Topsails in 1768

Happy Labor Day! While many nations celebrate workers on May 1st or May Day, US and Canada both celebrate workers rights in early September. It seems a good time to look at the nautical origin of the word “strike,” referring to workers withholding their labor to demand better wages or conditions.

The first use of the word “strike” as a labor protest dates to April of 1768 when sailors in the Port of Sunderland in Great Britain announced that they would strike the topsails of merchant ships to prevent them from sailing unless wages were increased. The ship owners agreed to their demands. In May, sailors on ships in the Thames followed their example and struck their topsails. The sailors petitioned Parliament and the Lord Mayor for a wage increase. By May 11, fourteen thousand sailors, dock workers, water-men, and coal-heavers marched on Westminster. Soon, all trade on the Thames had been brought to a standstill.

Ironically, the new use of the word strike reversed its previous meaning. In battle, when a ship struck, it was an act of surrender. When the sailors struck, it was an act of defiance. The word strike soon spread to describe any work stoppage.

Memorial Service for Tall Ships America’s Bert Rogers

Tomorrow, September 4th, a memorial service honoring the life of Bert Rogers will be held at 2PM on the North lawn at Fort Adams in Newport, RI.  Bert Rogers was the long-time Executive Director of Tall Ships America and an icon in the sail training community. He died of a heart attack last monthFor more information click here.

Microscopic Mushroom Textures to Keep Barnacles Off of Ship Hulls

A microscopic image of the mushroom-shaped silicone surface used in the experiment. Photo: Lars Heepe

For most of history, the only way to keep ship and boat hulls from fouling with barnacles was to put some sort of material toxic to marine growth on vessel hulls. Copper sheathing was one of the first effective, albeit costly, forms of antifouling. Copper and other sheathing worked well on wooden ships but caused galvanic corrosion of iron and steel vessels. The development of antifouling paint in the 20th century was a big step forward, although environmental concerns have been raised in recent decades over the toxicity of the coatings.

Scientists have recently been experimenting with textured coatings which make it difficult for barnacle larvae to attach themselves to the hull surface. The New York Times reports:  

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Hundreds of Seals Dying Along the New England Coast

While many have been focused on the massive die-offs of fish and sea life off the South Florida coastline triggered by a combined outbreak of red tide and blue-green algae, all is not well along the New England coast either. An unusually large number of seals have been dying this summer.

Close to 600 harbor and gray seals have died along the coasts of Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts since July. The unexpectedly high death rate has caused the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to declare a pinniped unusual mortality event (UME) along the Northeast Coast.

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Invasive Species Riding Plastic Rafts Across Oceans

Japanese marine sea slugs photo: John Chapman

Another good news-bad news story. The good news is that the fears of radiation spreading across the Pacific from the Fukushima meltdown following the Japanese tsunami of 2011, have been wildly overstated.  Yes, trace elements of radiation traceable to Fukushima have been recorded in Pacific fish, but they are barely above the level of naturally occurring background radiation. Or, as one analysis, described it, “turns out bananas are more radioactive than fish.

The bad news is that the debris and trash propelled across the Pacific by force of the tsunami have acted as rafts for a wide range of invasive species, mostly invertebrates like mussels, sea anemones and crabs, which have been washing ashore on North American beaches for last seven years. The really bad news is that scientists are observing that many of these species are surviving and may, over time, pose a threat to indigenous plants and animals on the North American Pacific coast.

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Another Sailboat Hits Moored Museum Ship, USS Midway

The aircraft carrier USS Midway is about a 1,000′ long, 130′ wide and around 55′ high. It has been a stationary museum ship since 2004. Put plainly, Midway is really, really big and doesn’t move. It should be a fairly easy object to avoid, and yet for the second time in only three years, a sailboat has succeeded in running into it.  In both cases, the sailboats attempted to take a shortcut across the carrier’s bow and misjudged the height and extent of the ship’s safety nets.  

This time, the sailboat was dismasted in the process. In 2015, a passing sailboat got the tip of its mast entangled in the carrier’s flight deck safety nets, damaging the nets but leaving the sailboat’s mast standing. 

The good news is that these two allisions are the only such incidents since the Midway became a museum ship fourteen years ago.

Boat crashed to the USS Midway aircraft carrier museum in San Diego

New Owners for Schooner Victory Chimes

The grand matriarch of the Maine Windjammer fleet, the schooner Victory Chimes, will soon have new owners at the helm. Captain Sam Sikkema will be taking over from Captains Kip Files and Paul DeGaeta, who for the last 29 years, have been in command of the only three-masted schooner in the Maine fleet. From a statement by Captain Kip Files:  

After 29 years of operating the schooner Victory Chimes, Paul and I have found the right person to take the helm and become her next caretaker.

Sam Sikkema who sailed as mate last Fall has stepped up to be the new face of Victory Chimes. Captain Sikkema has great credentials.  He has sailed around the world on a square rigged vessel and has been Captain of a number of large traditional vessels. He is the perfect fit. Captain Sikkema will be taking over the reins of the vessel at the end of the season.  Continue reading

The Golden Globe Race So Far — Dismasting in the Southern Ocean

Are Wiig’s Olleanna

The ongoing 2018 Golden Globe Race is a 50th-anniversary homage to the 1968 Sunday Times Golden Globe Yacht Race, the first single-handled nonstop around-the-world sailboat race. In the 1968 race, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston was the winner and the only contestant to complete the race. Last June, 18 solo-sailors set off in sailboats similar in size and equipment to that used by Sir Robin 50 years ago. Each sailor is racing for 30,000 miles, alone, non-stop, with no outside assistance. 

The racers are using sextants and paper charts rather than GPS and chart plotters, judging the weather by reading a barometer rather than getting updates from weather routing services, and relying on wind vanes rather than autopilots. The racers are all sailing on production boats between 32ft and 36ft overall (9.75 – 10.97m) designed prior to 1988. For safety, each boat will have a satellite transponder and an emergency kit, equipped with a race-supplied GPS and satphone.

So, how is the retro-race going so far? Continue reading

The Rise of the Mountain of Fire and the Birth of the Only Elephant in Iceland

On the 21st of January, 1973, the island of Heimaey, four nautical miles off the south coast of Iceland, began to tremble. On the 23rd, a large fissure opened up on the eastern side of the island, barely a kilometer away from the center of the town of Heimaey. Volcanic ash began to fall over most of the island and lava began to flow toward the town.

Fortunately, the fishing fleet was in the harbor and most of the population left successfully by the island by boat. Remarkably, within 6 hours close to 5,300 islanders were evacuated to the mainland. A small contingent stayed behind to perform essential duties and monitor the situation. Only one person was killed by the eruption.

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Close Encounters of the Cetacean Kind off the Jersey Shore

There have been several recent encounters between boats and whales. Fortunately, neither whale nor humans appear to have been injured. The most serious took place off the Jersey Shore.

Two fishermen in a 20-foot boat were fishing approximately one mile off of Deal, Monmouth County when they had a close encounter with a whale. Jonathan Swingle, the boat’s captain, told ABC 6 News what happened: “So, we’re talking a 30 to 40-foot whale, gotta weigh more than 20 tons. 

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Remembering Hilary Lister — Quadriplegic Solo Sailor, Dies at 46

Hilary Lister has died at the age of 46. She was a quadriplegic from Kent, England who found escape and freedom in solo sailing. In doing so, she set many sailing records and serves as an inspiration to us all.

Lister was able-bodied until she was 15, when she was struck down by a degenerative disease, reflex sympathetic dystrophy. By the age of 19, she had lost the use of her legs and by 27 was a quadriplegic. In addition to paralysis, she was left in near constant pain. Lost in the tedium and pain of paralysis, she considered suicide. Then she discovered sailing. 

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As Hurricane Lane Approaches, Why Hurricanes Are So Rare in Hawaii

The good news is that Hurricane Lane has been downgraded to a Category 4 hurricane. The bad news is that it is still heading straight for the Hawaiian islands.  The storm’s outer bands have been pounding parts of Hawaii’s Big Island with rain Thursday morning, triggering landslides and threatening serious flooding. The hurricane is the first major cyclone to make landfall in the state in 26 years when Hurricane Iniki caused around $3.1 billion of damage and six deaths. Like Hurricane Lane, Iniki was also a Category 4 hurricane and was the most powerful hurricane to strike the U.S. state of Hawaii in recorded history.

Why are hurricanes so rare in Hawaii? Continue reading

Carrier Ale, the Queen’s Head Pub and the HMS Queen Elizabeth,

Carrier Ale

A quick two-question quiz — First question: What do US aircraft carriers have that the newest British carrier, HMS Queen Elizabeth, lacks?  The answer is aircraft. The UK’s new aircraft carrier will be conducting flight trials with two borrowed US planes. Its own planes have begun to be delivered as of last June but are not expected to be deployed on the ship until 2019.

Second Question — What does the HMS Queen Elizabeth have which all US carriers lack? A proper English pub, of course. The pub, known as the Queen’s Head, was christened recently aboard the Queen Elizabeth and will be available to officers and senior enlisted during the ship’s maiden transit of the Atlantic. 

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