A certain number of brass bells and gongs from bell and gong buoys off the coast of Maine have turned up missing and the US Coast Guard has recently issued a press release asking the public’s help in identifying the thieves. The statement is a bit cryptic. It does not identify how many of what they describe as “brass sound signaling devices” have been stolen or from which buoys. (There is, however, a reward for information leading to the conviction of the thieves.) The press release goes on to say:
The brass gongs and bells were attached to buoys to help mariners navigate safely during times of reduced visibility. They play a vital role in the safe passage of ships and mariners.
It is thought the high-dollar devices are being stolen and sold to nautical novelty shops or scrap metal yards. Federal officials are working closely with local law enforcement, shops, and scrap yards to identify perpetrators and reclaim the missing property. Continue reading