My favorite underwater volcano is getting frisky again. Kick’em Jenny, is located off the northern coast of Grenada, in the Lesser Antilles. It rises almost a mile from the ocean floor and is roughly 600 feet below the surface. Recently, the government of Grenada has raised the alert level to orange and has imposed a 5km vessel exclusion zone around the volcano, suggesting an imminent eruption. Operators of boats and ship are advised to stay clear. The volcano is on the shipping route from St Vincent to Grenada.
Kick ’em Jenny has erupted at least a dozen times since its first recorded eruption in 1939. The last eruption was in 2015. The 1939 eruption caused a 900′ high ash cloud to shot up from the sea’s surface. Most eruptions since then have been much smaller. Nevertheless, these smaller eruptions can be dangerous as they pump large quantities of volcanic gasses into the water above the volcano, reducing the buoyancy of the sea water, which could cause vessels to sink.