47′ Motor Lifeboat
It takes a special breed of sailor to attempt to crest the monstrous waves of a harbor bar in a motor lifeboat. It also takes a very specially designed and built boat to make crossing the bar possible. We recently reviewed the movie, “The Finest Hours,” which told the story of the what is considered by many to the greatest small boat rescue in history. In 1952, coxswain Bernie Webber with a crew of three took CG-36500, a 36-foot motor lifeboat, across Chatham bar in a winter Nor’easter to rescue the crew of the T2 tanker SS. Pendleton, which had broken in half in the storm.
When large ocean swells hit sand bars at a harbor entrance, the resulting breaking waves can rise to monstrous heights. Most fishermen and other boatman stay in port. When a ship or boat is in danger offshore, however, the Coast Guard has no choice but to go out and in many cases, a motor lifeboat is the only way to get the job done. The boats are designed to be self-righting and to survive the worst the sea can throw at them. A brief overview of these amazing boats.
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