My new novel, The Shantyman, is now available as a Kindle ebook and will soon be available in print. The book is based on the true story of a most unusual shantyman with a troubled past.
Many years ago, I read Frederick Pease Harlow’s memoir, The Making of a Sailor, or Sea Life Aboard a Yankee Square Rigger. In 1870, Harlow sailed on a medium clipper to Sydney, Australia. He described the new crew coming aboard the ship: “All the crew were sober but one… The man that was drunk, was dead drunk and was hoisted out of the runner’s boat in a sling…” The drunk man’s name was Brooks, who Harlow says was a “well educated man and had been a master of ships, but his appetite for whiskey was his downfall.”
It turns out that Brooks was also a skilled shantyman, who had been trying to make his way home to the United States for years. In every port, he would start to drink and end up shanghied onto a ship bound for distant shores. In Harlow’s memoir, Brooks had finally found himself on a ship bound for New York, where he had family. He intended to give up on the liquor and start his life anew.
Harlow’s Brooks became my Jack Barlow. Continue reading