This year the 4th of July fireworks in New York, sponsored by Macys, will be set off over the Hudson River. The North River Historic Ship Society is sponsoring their Fifth Annual Fireworks Gala offering views from the rooftop of Pier 66 Maritime (a.k.a. the Frying Pan Pier) at 26th Street and the Hudson River in Manhattan. Pier 66 overlooks the fireworks barges and the party includes food, an open bar, table seating and, best of all, no crowds. Click here to learn more and purchase tickets. A few tickets still appear to be available.
On the other coast, the Maritime Museum of San Diego is offering some of the best fireworks viewing on San Diego Bay all for the price of a general admission ticket. They are also offering an Independence Day Picnic Dinner aboard the ferry Berkeley and a fireworks cruise aboard the schooner Californian.
If all goes well, I will be sailing on my new 40 year old catboat on Lake George in the Adirondacks of New York and enjoying the fireworks over the lake. Hope everyone has a great 4th.