One unexpected victim of Superstorm Sandy was New York’s Coney Island Mermaid Parade, or more specifically, the historical museum, performance space and gift shop that helped to financially support the free parade. The parade is “an American celebration of ancient mythology and honky-tonk rituals of the seaside, … kicking off the summer with incredible art, an entrepreneurial spirit and unflagging Coney Island pride.” The Mermaid Parade attracts close to a million people each year. See our post about last year’s 30th Mermaid Parade. As a result of the devastating storm, the organizers of the 31st Coney Island Mermaid Parade face a budget shortfall of $100,000. All is not yet lost however. A Kickstart Fundraiser is underway to raise the money.
Amanda Palmer is also performing in a Mermaid Parade Benefit this Saturday at the Bowery Ballroom. Mina Caputo, Abel Ferrara, Spanking Charlene, Beautiful Small Machines are also featured. Click here to learn more.