Just over a decade ago, we posted about how legislators in North Carolina passed a law that banned the state from basing coastal policies on the latest scientific predictions of how much the sea level will rise. The law required government planning boards to only use predictions of sea level rise based on linear projections from 1900. The increased rise in sea-level due to climate change would not only be ignored but would be illegal for land use planning.
At the time, we compared their obdurate denial of climate change to Xerxes the Great ordering the sea to be flogged with chains when a storm destroyed a bridge across the Hellespont in 480 BCE,
It now looks like we were right. North Carolina’s law has proven no more effective in addressing sea level rise than Xerxes’ thalassian flogging. The Star News Online reports that new research shows that the sea level along the North Carolina coast is rising faster than in most other parts of the United States, and faster than what most scientists had expected.